
Tele-Trainer-Training (e-learning)

Everyone is talking about e-learning and distance learning. But who actually trains the future distance learning teachers? That was the question of the German educational software developers ets, as it has developed, together with the University of Paderborn, a “TeleCoach” training – a tele-trainer course, which was certified in Germany by the industry and commerce.

The Zukunftszentrum has acquired the exclusive rights for Austria. Together with the BFI Tirol and the e-Bifi – the e-learning specialists of the Austrian bfi’s – this training is now offered throughout Austria as a 200-hour seminar.

Target group

  • Teachers
  • Trainer
  • Coaches
  • HR managers
  • Trainers in companies
  • Education Mangers

Hafelekar Consulting has supported this project for the zukunfts.zentrum from a rough concept, through a detailed design and contract negotiations to settlement. Hafelekar is also responsible for the ongoing project management.

Project duration

2000 till 2002

Project Partners

  • Zukunftszentrum Tirol
  • BFI Tirol
  • Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung

holistic approach inventing to European staff solutions

The project developed and implemented holistic, modular trainings in the area of information and communication technology. These trainings included modules of the following areas:

  • professional expertise (network technology, web-design, database development., e-commerce, etc.)
  • social competence (entrepreneurship, communication training, project management, etc.)
  • transfer competence (internships with partner companies, training firms)

In particular, a method was developed to survey skills and competences – also for those which were not acquired within formal education or at work. For the participants, the results served as a basis for individual learning paths. Hafelekar consulting conceived this project, as well as it had a consulting and assisting role in its implementation phase.

Project duration

October 2000 till September 2002

Projects Partners

S&P Simulationstechnik GmbH – Innsbruck (Austria)
Area Network (Spain)
Camera Work Group – Jesi bei Ancona (Italy)
Computer Technology Institute – Patras (Greece)
Luton Business School – Luton (UK)
Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung (Austria)
Zukunftszentrum Tirol (Austria)

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