Newsletter Flows Project

Flows project aims to support disadvantaged people, early school leavers, young job seekers, poor educational background, the long-term unemployed, people with disabilities and social, cultural, economic or educational obstacles, individuals, guidance, practitioners, employers, and Youth employment providers.

Flows is a 24-month-long European project, funded by the Erasmus+ programme and coordinated by Çarşamba İşkur Hizmet Merkezi Müdürlüğü. The project activities will be implemented throughout 4 different countries: Austria, Ireland, Romania, and Turkey. The first meeting of the project was held on the 30th and 31st of January 2023 in Samsun, Turkey.

During the meeting, partners got to know each other and the project and set the ground for a fruitful collaboration in the months to come. Lead project partners shared highlights for their work packages. Special time was dedicated to the first work package of the project, developing a framework for analysis and evaluation, which will include desk research and focus groups with young jobseekers and experts working with young jobseekers. The next transnational partner meeting will be in Ireland in September 2023.

Work packages that will be developed are:

Work package 2 – Framework Development will be led by Mozaik (as it has experience in working on developing framework for analysis and evaluation. The aim of the guidance service is to encourage and assist individuals to make positive changes in their lives and enable them to access education, training, and employment.

Work package 3 – Tool Specification and Content will be implemented by The Ballymun Job Centre as it holds methodology that can be used to discover and develop educational, vocational, and employment potential, to equip individuals to have a clearer understanding of themselves and to direct them towards training and employment opportunities that best fulfil their needs and aspirations.

Work package 4 – Developing Training module for practitioners and Online Platform will be led by Universitatea Politehnica din București as being an experienced IT partner.

Work package 5 – Piloting of The Future-proof Your Career and Psychometric Evaluation will be led by Hafelekar as it is mainly engaged in these fields: Research, Studies, Surveys, Evaluation, Validation of informal and non-formal learning, Development of (ICT) training.

The partnership of the Flows project is composed by:

Project Coordinator: Çarşamba ISKUR HIZMET MERKEZI MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ (Türkiye) 

Project Partners:


Flows Newsletter1_EN


Digital entrepreneurship  for Youth

The DigEnYou project aims to upskill youth in the field of digital entrepreneurship by providing a training programme to develop and improve young people’s digital and entrepreneurial skills. The project addresses the following major needs in the field of youth on a global scale: 1) Digital skill upskilling, including digital literacy and readiness; 2) Enhancement of transversal skills for digital business development; and 3) Development of entrepreneurial skills.

Project Target Groups

  • Young people with limited digital skills and competencies, as well as those looking for opportunities for entrepreneurial learning and education.
  • The actors in digital youth work.

To meet these needs and provide a comprehensive training programme to young people interested in starting a digitally oriented business, the following outputs will be created:

  • Methodological Framework and Digital Market Skills Ecosystem: In the foundation phase of the project, a desk research and study circle will be conducted to define a Methodological Framework and Digital Market Skills.
  • DigEnYou curriculum and model: All partner countries will collaborate to develop curriculum outlines and DigEnYou course content.
  • DigEnYou methodology and piloting: is based on testing a training model in terms of objectives, recruitment and learning process, content, schedule, and timing.
  • DigEnYou Learning Platform: This project milestone aims to create an online platform that will include the above-mentioned results and assist young people and youth workers in improving their skills.

Project duration

September 2022 till August 2024


coming soon

Project Partners

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Turkish National Agency. Neither the European Union nor Turkish National Agency can be held responsible for them.

KITE Fighters

Kids and Teachers Fighting for Inclusion

The aim of the project is to assist pedagogues working with young people, with a focus on diversities, to strengthen social inclusion, and promote peer-to-peer communication and team building.

Innovative methods and tools for teachers and students will be developed to prevent bullying situations and the escalation of conflicts at school:

  1. Equip teachers with tools to enhance their capability to support students, promoting their mental health and emotional intelligence development.
  2. Enable teachers to use creative and innovative methodologies as symbol work, storytelling, folk tales and other non-formal education approaches.
  3. Support schools to tackle early school leaving (ESL) and disadvantage and to offer quality education, enabling success for all students.
  4. The main overall objective is to strengthen social inclusion skills of kids and teachers.

Aims & Objectives

  • Development of the “KITE-FIGHTER TOOLKIT”: a collection of different tools, games and exercises, which teachers can use. It will include storytelling, symbol work and folk tales exercises
  • Elaboration of a CURRICULUM and TRAINER’S GUIDE for a teacher training, to empower teachers to use the Kite-fighter toolkit techniques, and develop new professional and socio-emotional skills
  • Organization of MULTIPLIER EVENTS and ACTIVITIES as well as delivering a set of MINI-TRAINING EVENTS to empower local teachers and youth workers to use the KITE-fighter toolkit.

Project duration

September 2019 till April 2022



Project Partners

Erasmus Logo

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Achieving Resilience Through Play and Drama

ARTPAD (Achieving Resilience Through Play and Drama) is a three year Erasmus+, partnership (5 countries) lead by Playwork Partnerships and by the Drama team at the University of Gloucestershire.

ARTPAD aims to support the engagement and resilience of participants from disadvantaged backgrounds in formal and non–formal education to help prevent early school leaving. The 5 project partners will work co-operatively to disseminate, develop and extend the expertise and international reach of their practice. ARTPAD covers three complimentary aspects:

  1. Understanding resilience and children’s development and behaviour through Play.
  2. Drama techniques for engagement with learning
  3. Drama and Play to build social understanding and behaviour

Project duration:

September 2015 till August 2018



Project Partners

Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung (Austria)
University of Gloucestershire (England)
Rogers Foundation for Person-Centred Education (Hungary)
University of Gdansk (Poland)
UWEZO (Germany)

Erasmus Logo

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Volunteers in Playwork

The aim of Viper is to transfer a volunteer training course to improve the quality and reach of vocational education and training for adults thinking about working with children. Through collaboration the Consortium will incorporate EU best practice to support children’s play across Europe and transfer this training programme and volunteering model to become an EU recognised training course. The envisaged impact is the unique provision of an accredited EU training resource which will result in a more competent, knowledgeable, better trained, and coordinated volunteer play workforce across Europe, and increased levels of active citizenship and volunteering.

The project had three main aims:

  1. To adapt, develop and blend a play training course for volunteers which aims to support learners in gaining skills to improve their chances of employment through the acquisition of social and civic competences.
  2. To support training providers and organizations with the resources and training to deliver ‘Volunteers in Play – a route to employment’ course. The course will provide interactive educational resources. The course content will be available in the respective languages of all involved countries.
  3. To support learners to access volunteering opportunities within the childcare and out of school childcare sector, further to undertaking the ‘Volunteer in Play’ course.

Project duration

October 2013 till September 2015


Hompage: (not active, copy from Internet Archive

Project Partners

Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung – Austria
University of Gloucestershire – England
Tokium Networks – Portugal
CESIE (Centro Studi ed Iniziative Europeo) – Italy
Roger SzemélyközpontúOktatásértAlapítvány – Hungary
Palacký University Olomouc, Faculty of Physical Culture – Czech Republic
Dumlupinar University Kutahya Vocational High School of Social Science – Turkey

logo eu lifeliong learning programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Colonisation and Decolonisation in National History Culture

The project CoDec (Colonisation and Decolonisation in National History Cultures and Memory Politics in European Perspective) deals with several important research issues and approaches towards history cultures and memory politics in Europe:

  • studying the reappraisal of the colonial past and processes of decolonisation in different European states in a comparative perspective and in cooperation with the European project partners
  • studying the way of teaching the topic in the partner states in history education and the question of the impact and importance of colonial pasts on history cultures and memory politics today
  • discussing in how far national memory cultures of colonialism and decolonisation can be implemented into a collective European frame, in the context of the idea that the colonial past is a connecting as well as a dividing moment in European history.

Phases and projects of de-centralisation in history education and widening historic views beyond national constraints enable students to become aware of cultural diversity and to recognise and estimate it accordingly. In the encounter with other times and historically different worlds there is the chance of looking at the own history with a new awareness and to respect the other as a legitimate variant. In general, a closer cooperation between science and didactics is highly important.


  • Teaching modules, published in print and in digital versions, incl. introductions and lesson plans plus new sources, translated into English, German and French
  • Innovative conferences as a means of further teacher training, which will be attended by participants from all stages of teacher education

Project duration

October 2013 until September 2015



Project Partners

logo eu lifeliong learning programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Perspectives on education

Exploration of teenage life and their learning environments

The central objective is the exploration of teenage life and learning environments, to be able to analyze differences in educational participation and develop new learning formats for the training and education of young second-generation immigrants.

The content of the project is divided into different work packages, of each of them characterized by the use of different scientific methods. First, with the help of an analysis of the micro-census data and the Labour Force Survey, there is drawn a map of the education regions of Austria. This provides initial findings on the causes and differences in educational participation among youngsters of the second generation, facilitates a hypotheses regarding adolescent learners and motivates the subsequent selection of interviewees.

In the further course, quantitative data receives a qualitative deepening and widening. Using narrative interviews, young people all over Austria will be interrogated about their study habits, learning experiences, learning sites, learning motivations and learning contents. Based on these youthful self-images, learning types will be developed and described. Then, in group discussions with young people, questionnaires are developed in order to quantify the learning types. Finally, this quantification is carried out using a standardized survey of young people who are on the second education (eg evening classes, AMS measures) and young people not completing any formation. Based on these results and in collaboration with the target group (young people, trainers) follows the development of new learning formats and scenarios for the training and education of young people in continuation education.

For the processing of theoretical questions, for the discussion and review of research methods, for the reflection of the project’s progress and finally for the qualification of the results, there will be carried out a scientific monitoring project throughout the course of the project.

Conclusively, in order to achieve the mainstreaming of the results, decision makers and opinion leaders will be informed of the project results within the framework of workshops .

Project duration

2012 till 2014

Project Partners


Funded by the European Social Fund and the Federal Ministry for Education, Art and Culture (bmukk).

Parents Guide on Career

Martin Maier, Anna Paszkowska-Rogacz, Paul Schober (Hrsg.)

Wege ins Berufsleben – Ein Leitfaden für Eltern
My child is choosing a career

Innsbruck, Lodz: Hafelekar Eigenverlag 2008

147 Seiten

Short description:
Parents often feel overwhelmed when it comes to the professional future of their children; Often their help results contraproductive. Changes in the labor market, unemployment and the increasing amount of information about jobs and training opportunities for young people lead to confusion, indecision and lack of information.

The Parents’ Guide “Pathways to employment” describes clearly, how parents can help their children at their school and professional orientation.

Vocational orientation does not begin until the last year of compulsory education, and so there are also indications for the phase before the actual decision-making.

The book is divided into two parts. The first part deals with various aspects of career planning like different development stages of a child and their relationship to the professional orientation process, the importance of biological and psychological factors and external factors. In addition it gives practical tips for career guidance, job search and the application process.

In the second part the authors examine factors that influence the relationship between parents and children, such as motivational structures and levels of relationships between adolescents and their parents. The appendix of the book provides information on institutions for professional advice.

This publication came in English, German, Spanish, Romanian, Lithuanian, Polish and Greek, and published the result of the EU project “Parents as vocational trainers“, which brings together institutions from Poland, Austria, Spain, Lithuania, Romania and Cyprus.


Parents as Vocational Trainers

Main issue of the project is a further education and training for career counsellors at schools regarding the cooperation with parents of their students. The direct aim of the project is to create a training addressed to school-based vocational counsellors which would teach them how to cooperate with the parents whose children are facing the choice of their future career.

Competences of parents should get broader concerning their possibilities to support their children during the process of important decision making. Including parents to the guidance process enables a more efficient career orientation at schools. That fact should as a consequence raise the effectiveness choosing a vocational training by young people.


  1. Development and implementation of a 30-hour training course “How to cooperate with parents in shaping the vocational career of their children” for school vocational counsellors including methodological materials for trainers and teaching materials for participants.
  2. Redaction of a handbook for the parents on “How to help my child in making a vocational career decision”. Sample chapters deal with the factors of occupational career, help in decision-making, offer orientation on the labour market and give advice for the motivation of and communication with children.

Project duration

October 2006 till October 2008

Project Partners

  • Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung – Innsbruck (Austria)
  • Academy of Management – Lodz (Poland)
  • R.C.I (Research and Consultancy Institute) – Limassol (Cyprus)
  • ANNUR-Formatión-Cultura – Badajoz (Spain)
  • Jaunimo karjeros centras – Kaunas (Lithuania)


Integrated career guidance and integrated vocational training

The major object of IBEA is to support disadvantaged adolescents with vocational trainings after compulsory school and thus facilitate their integration into the labour market. As a result, there should be achieved a self-determined, self-confident lifestyle within society.

Within the scope of three subprojects, a concept for inclusive classes at vocational schools was developed jointly with partners from all over Austria. In order to integrate parts of the concept and materials into everyday school life, qualification measures were offered for teachers. Additionally, an integrative whole-year-procedure for vocational orientation for grade 9 and beyond were developed and tested. The latter happened jointly with polytechnic schools in Styria, Lower-Austria and Tyrol.

Module 1: interface school – job
creates a framework concept for inclusive classes at vocational schools and develops adequate teaching and learning materials. Furthermore, a nationwide competence centre will be developed and tested in order to offer consulting and support for all participants.

Module 2: Integrative vocational training
focuses on the person acting. Measures for the qualification of pedagogues at vocational schools and trainers are developed and piloted.

Module 3: Integrative career guidance
This module develops an integrative career guidance and vocational preparation model for all adolescents at grade 9. It will be sustainably implemented within a whole-year-procedure.


  • material and documents for career-start and training
  • creation of a method collection for consulting and orientation as instruction handbook “I´m me” (“Ich bin Ich”)
  • competence portfolio for the detection and visualisation of abilities
  • Development and compilation of learning material for use in class

Project duration

September 2005 till September 2007

Hafelekar Consulting was entrusted with the whole evaluation in Austria, which involved interviews and an evaluation report. Likewise its task was to compile and implement suitable teaching material in German language.


Supported by funds from the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture

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