Study Migration Salzburg

Study of the labour market situation for migrants in Salzburg – implementation concept

The target of the research study was to point out the situation of migrants on Salzburgs labour market and to provide policy recommendations.

The study consists of three parts which aim to:

  • analyze social demographic features of the target group in Salzburg concerning the labour market (analysis)
  • consider experiences and required basic conditions of several stakeholders (qualitative part),
  • evaluate proved and in other countries successfully implemented methods regarding good practice samples (recommendations for action)

The analysis referred to current workings in Austria and, moreover, showed additional requirements of a solid data base for TEP Salzburg. The AMDB („Arbeitsmarktdatenbank von AMS und Hauptverband“ – labour market data base of AMS and main association) was primary used as data basis. So did the MZ-AKE (Microcensus – labour survey) and the SILC (statistics on income and living conditions). Those data guaranteed a very current and well-founded information base. Additionally, “invisible persons” (= currently not in training, nor in job, nor any care obligations, at an employable age) were taken into consideration. Already realized studies were evaluated and additional interviews were held within the scope of the qualitative part. This part aimed to utilize important stakeholders, their experiences and resources for sustainable labour market integration. Recommendations for action reflect key results from the first two parts and provide a “good practice” collection gathered by other Austrian provinces and within European context. The approach therefor was an already implemented collection of good ideas and moderated processes by ZSI and ILO (International Labour Organisation).


Land Salzburg

Project duration

April 2009

Project Partners

Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung
ZSI – Zentrum für Soziale Innovation, Wien

Join In a Job!

Remove entry barriers to the labour market!

The Project aims to identify barriers for young migrants – from 15 to 24 years – and to (re-)integrate them into the labour market. By transferring and adapting the JOIN IN A JOB! method in the partner countries many coaches and career guidance officers should learn and apply the method. The aim is (re-)integration in the labour market.

JOIN IN A JOB! contains a career guidance method set developed specially for working with young migrants. A resource and competence oriented process combines questionnaires and diagnostic tools to guide clients on their way to a job or further education. The method consists of three stages depending on the individual client’s need:

Initial Assessment – need for information:
providing basic information about how to find a job or an apprenticeship, shaping main goals.

Intense Assessment – need for guidance and care:
providing individual advice in areas of need (e.g. legal, housing, migration aspects) and an empowering set of tools within the Job Box for career guidance.

Job Box – need for career guidance:
a fur­ther intense assessment, dealing with case ma­nagement and professional care in situations where social integration of the individual has to be set as a first step. This com­prehensive volume of handouts, instructions, case studies and documents help to create an individual training and education portfolio including clients informal and non-formal competences.


  • An edited fieldbook provides the basic for the proper use of the instruments, contains contributions by the partners regarding their training activities, phases and impacts on VET systems
  • Trainings for master coaches and career guidance officers to transfer and use the counselling method
  • National reports, web site and communication platform

Project duration

October 2008 till September 2010

Publication and Web

Paul Schober
Join in a Job!
Practitioner’s manual. A career guidance method for migrants
ISBN 978-3-7065-4971-4
Information by publisher

The CD_ROM attached to the book “Join In a Job! Practitioner´s manual. A career guide for migrants.” contains county-specific Tools for career guidance officers.

Project Partners


Staff surveys

From 2004 till 2009 we conducted regular surveys of all employees of Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol (RLB).

Central themes of the staff development processes include the development of individual career paths that offer education and training (internal/external), a large range of seminars for employees and a steady expansion of activities that contribute to staff satisfaction.

Our role was to support RLB in the measurement of staff satisfaction. Staff surveys were conducted with the following topics:

  • The surveys were directed at selected enterprise areas and were conducted anonymously.
  • The respective set of questions was adapted to the specific needs.
  • The flow chart – important for any successful survey – was worked out in great detail.
  • The evaluations were very extensive: from the analysis and evaluation of certain questions of detail to a comprehensive overall assessment.
  • Finally, potential areas of action were discussed with the management.


Raiffeisen Landesbank Tirol AG

Project duration

2004 till 2009


Josef Zelger, Margit Raich, Paul Schober (Ed..)

GABEK III – Organisationen und ihre Wissensnetze
GABEK III – Organisations and their Knowledge Nets

Innsbruck, Wien, Bozen: Studienverlag 2008.

ISBN: 978-3-7065-4391-0; 336 Seiten; € 39,90

Short description:
To understand an organization the relationships between people, there have to be perceived and understood their knowledge, beliefs and their goals. That´s what the GABEK ® (Integrated management of complexity) is dedicated to. It allows a representation of conceptual knowledge and networks of an organization and its interpretation.

This volume contains the English-and German-language contributions from renowned international scholars and practitioners from different disciplines and covers the following complex issues: Origins and goals of qualitative research, integration and community building, representing practical knowledge with GABEK® and applications of GABEK® in psychology.

Study Welfare in Upper Austria

Study of social welfare organizations in Upper Austria

The scope of this research study are the structures of elderly care in Upper Austria. Questions of the request were treated methodically and professionally in respect of the scientific standards. Hereby the authors of the study should exceed a segmented view of elderly care. Moreover and in addition, concrete measures to optimize the existing systems should be proposed and evaluated. An extensive analysis includes tasks, structures, financing and efficiency of the social welfare associations. Therefor a well structured and analytically separated view at all three system levels (APH, mobile services, SHV, SO) was necessary. Althoug the central focus of the study is elderly care, additional tasks and services of the SHV (social welfare association)also considered should also be put into consideration.

The four social welfare associations Braunau, Linz-Land, Perg, Steyr-Land and Steyr have been chosen for a deepening analysis. Built on that, the situation is to be drawn on state level.

PART 1 includes the analysis of existing systems of the regional providers of social welfare. Hereby, in particular the currently performedtasks and the organization, regarding structures and processes, were analyzed, and structural particularities were brought out. All existing documents were taken into account to establish a research report.

PART 2 gives an overview of middle and long term financing. Considering prospective demographic developments and other system components a forecast calculation was prepared.

PART 3 focussed on an extensive evaluation of any possibilities to adapt the organization’s structure. Hereto all three system levels were analyzed: Mobile and stationary services, Social welfare associations and social departments in cities with an own statute


Land Oberösterreich, Social Services

Project duration

March till October 2008

Project Partners

Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung
MCI Management Center Innsbruck, Department Social Work, Department Business & Management

Join In a Job! Handbook

Silvia Exenberger, Eva Fleischer, Martin Maier, Paul Schober (eds.)

Join In a Job! Instrumente zur beruflichen Beratung jugendlicher MigrantInnen
Join in a Job! Instruments for Job Orientation for young Migrants

Innsbruck, Wien, Bozen: Studienverlag 2007

ISBN: 3-7065-4393-4; 205 pages; incl. CD-ROM

Hafelekar Series Volume 3

Short description:
Young people with migrant backgrounds are much more affected from unemployment work than their peers “locals”. Youth centers, but also institutions of vocational and educational guidance have often not yet have the necessary knowledge and tools for this target group.

Against this background, the editors developed Join in a Job! as a competence-and resource-oriented guidance method that is tailored to young migrants.

The manual presents all blocks of this method using case studies: Basic and Intense clearing, 4 steps to the job, the Job box and the Tyrolean Migration compass.

The accompanying CD contains all the tools, forms and supporting documentation to Join In a job! Method that can be used in consultancy practice.

This book was developed as part of the Equal project Join In.

Evaluation SOS Children’s Villages

Evaluation of funding opportunities for facilities of SOS Children’s Villages Austria

The project focuses on 6 consulting and therapy facilities of the SOS children´s village Austria in different provinces. The offers of these facilities vary widely; they have partly grown historically and just a small part focuses on the typical SOS target group. The aim was to evaluate the funding worthiness of these facilities regarding their allowability of performed services in order to obtain additional financial resources. Therefore, funding authorities on local, regional, national and EU-level were taken into account. In order to use the varieties of possibilities to the full, the evaluation was taking place in the following way:

  • basic research for the conflation of existing concepts and their evaluation
  • creation of a grid for the segmentation of the facilities´ offers by particular criteria, by taking under consideration their independency and field of activities
  • research of potential funding authorities on local, national and EU-level, based on the range of services
  • selection and documentation of funding possibilities

The final report was completed with the estimation regarding the probabilities of success and concrete recommendations for actions were given. SOS children´s village Austria used the final report as basis for decision-making in order to ask for third party cost absorption.

Project duration

March till October 2007


SOS Children’s Villages Austria, Department for quality management

Integration City of Salzburg

Integration concept for the city of Salzburg

Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung was charged by the city of Salzburg to determine an integration concept for Salzburg. This includes all essential guidelines, targets, issues and measures for a broad and well structured municipal integration policy. The project´s goal was to achieve changes in social, political and administrative terms of awareness regarding the integration of migrants. Integration should become a cross social concern.

To guarantee a balanced comprehensive integration of all relevant groups, five working teams were created to determine the main problem area and range of action. Based on that, the teams elaborated specific measures, offers and activities, all aimed at supporting integration. The working groups included representatives of NGO´s and religious communities as well as representatives of migrants, the city council, politics and other relevant communities. In March 2006 the core recommendations were presented within a press conference.

Hafelekar was in charge of the process arrangement and moderation and compiled two studies:

  • A secondary research was generated including all available data and facts regarding the situation of migrants in Salzburg.
  • A further study considered the present legal and social situation of migrants living in Austria facing different social areas like labour and housing market, education, health and politics. The study addressed especially the issue of women and media.

Project duration

2005 till 2006


City of Salzburg

Project Partners

Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung
ZeMiT – Zentrum für MigrantInnen in Tirol

Basic knowledge Gender Mainstreaming

Christine Baur/Eva Fleischer/Paul Schober:

Gender Mainstreaming in der Arbeitswelt – Grundlagenwissen für Projekte, Unternehmen und Politik

Basic knowledge Gender Mainstreaming for enterprises, projects and politics

Innsbruck, Wien, Bozen: Studienverlag 2005

ISBN: 3-7065-4035-5; 210 pages; incl. CD-ROM, €21

Hafelekar Series Volume 1

Short description

Gender Mainstreaming – an often used term, scarcely understood and rarely really wanted. The manifold reactions and violent emotions regarding this topic lead to this assumption.

  • Where are the roots of the term Gender Mainstreaming?
  • Which are the theoretical and judicial bases?
  • How can Gender Mainstreaming be applied in the business world?

This publication provides the necessary basic knowledge for it.

After a survey over feminist theories, a definiton of the central terms of equal opportunities policy is given in scientific and judicial terms.

On this basis, the following actual topics are focused on: choice of occupation, compatibility of work and family, income distribution, equal treatment and equal opportunities. The third and main chapter is dedicated to the precise realisation of projects. A survey of possible fund givers in the EU leads over to the description of the single phases of a project, from the analysis to the assurance of sustainibility. Finally, current Gender Mainstreaming projects in Tyrol are presented.

The enclosed CD-ROM contains a rich collection of up-to-date publications ,checklists, guidelines, links and contact adresses for the realisation of Gender Mainstereaming. It also features a new presentation mode of the scientific software GABEK-WinRelan for the readers to explore the complete data of the WoMen field study, referred to in the book.

This book was developed within the EQUAL project WoMen.


Apprenticeship Quality

The main objective of this developing partnership is the opening and stabilising of the labour market for disadvantaged youngsters.

This partnership is to help entrepreneurs, trainers and teachers in vocational schools deal with such disadvantaged youngsters and to make use of hidden potential. The network between vocational schools and firms / companies should be strengthened. Through a better co operation between firm and school youngsters should be the more supported to successfully complete their apprenticeship. The description of vocational patterns in retail dealing with its competencies should help aid a more effective advertising among youngsters and a more widespread selection procedure within trade and commerce.

Hafelekar Consulting provided a baseline study, applying the GABEK method, as a precondition for further activities. Hafelekar was further responsible for public relations and dissemination of the products.

Project duration

October 2002 till September 2005

Project Partners


Supported by funds from the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture

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