Digi-Ageing overcoming loneliness

“Loneliness in old age” is a societal phenomenon that still receives insufficientattention. However, the COVID-19 pandemichas clearly shown us that we need to pay muchmore attention to this issue. Older people were increasingly isolated in this situation: those in care facilities were isolated for their own protection, others had little contact with friends and family, or lived entirely on theirown.

Individuals who cared for older people often found themselves overwhelmed by the numerous challenges, including those in their own daily lives. This was especially true for family caregivers. As a society, we should better prepare for such scenarios and provide stronger support to those who dedicate themselves to the important task of care-giving.

Therefore, the international Digi-Ageing consortium developed a comprehensive concept between October 2020 and July 2023 to address these challenges and initiate appropriate measures to effectively counter act the phenomenon of “loneliness in old age”.


Attributed to Mother Teresa

A brief overview:

  • Loneliness is a negative feeling associatedwith a perceived gap between existing and desired relationships.
  • It should be distinguished from self-imposed isolation.
  • The effects of loneliness harm health and increase the risk of illness.
  • However, there are currently few tools for detection and prevention.
  • Training on this topic is rarely offered and care-giving family members are often left to fend for themselves.

The Digi-Ageing partnership has addressed these challenges and implemented these measures:

  • Research on loneliness in old age inEurope
  • Raising awareness of the issue
  • Establishment of networks and concrete recommendations
  • Development of digital tools for detection, prevention, and intervention
  • Providing strategies for those affected, caregivers and family members
  • Creation of a comprehensive trainingprogram for caregivers


Anna (Certified Health and Nursing Care Professional)

You can download the entire info brochure here …


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Newsletter Flows Project

Flows project aims to support disadvantaged people, early school leavers, young job seekers, poor educational background, the long-term unemployed, people with disabilities and social, cultural, economic or educational obstacles, individuals, guidance, practitioners, employers, and Youth employment providers.

Flows is a 24-month-long European project, funded by the Erasmus+ programme and coordinated by Çarşamba İşkur Hizmet Merkezi Müdürlüğü. The project activities will be implemented throughout 4 different countries: Austria, Ireland, Romania, and Turkey. The first meeting of the project was held on the 30th and 31st of January 2023 in Samsun, Turkey.

During the meeting, partners got to know each other and the project and set the ground for a fruitful collaboration in the months to come. Lead project partners shared highlights for their work packages. Special time was dedicated to the first work package of the project, developing a framework for analysis and evaluation, which will include desk research and focus groups with young jobseekers and experts working with young jobseekers. The next transnational partner meeting will be in Ireland in September 2023.

Work packages that will be developed are:

Work package 2 – Framework Development will be led by Mozaik (as it has experience in working on developing framework for analysis and evaluation. The aim of the guidance service is to encourage and assist individuals to make positive changes in their lives and enable them to access education, training, and employment.

Work package 3 – Tool Specification and Content will be implemented by The Ballymun Job Centre as it holds methodology that can be used to discover and develop educational, vocational, and employment potential, to equip individuals to have a clearer understanding of themselves and to direct them towards training and employment opportunities that best fulfil their needs and aspirations.

Work package 4 – Developing Training module for practitioners and Online Platform will be led by Universitatea Politehnica din București as being an experienced IT partner.

Work package 5 – Piloting of The Future-proof Your Career and Psychometric Evaluation will be led by Hafelekar as it is mainly engaged in these fields: Research, Studies, Surveys, Evaluation, Validation of informal and non-formal learning, Development of (ICT) training.

The partnership of the Flows project is composed by:

Project Coordinator: Çarşamba ISKUR HIZMET MERKEZI MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ (Türkiye) 

Project Partners:


Flows Newsletter1_EN


Digital entrepreneurship  for Youth

The DigEnYou project aims to upskill youth in the field of digital entrepreneurship by providing a training programme to develop and improve young people’s digital and entrepreneurial skills. The project addresses the following major needs in the field of youth on a global scale: 1) Digital skill upskilling, including digital literacy and readiness; 2) Enhancement of transversal skills for digital business development; and 3) Development of entrepreneurial skills.

Project Target Groups

  • Young people with limited digital skills and competencies, as well as those looking for opportunities for entrepreneurial learning and education.
  • The actors in digital youth work.

To meet these needs and provide a comprehensive training programme to young people interested in starting a digitally oriented business, the following outputs will be created:

  • Methodological Framework and Digital Market Skills Ecosystem: In the foundation phase of the project, a desk research and study circle will be conducted to define a Methodological Framework and Digital Market Skills.
  • DigEnYou curriculum and model: All partner countries will collaborate to develop curriculum outlines and DigEnYou course content.
  • DigEnYou methodology and piloting: is based on testing a training model in terms of objectives, recruitment and learning process, content, schedule, and timing.
  • DigEnYou Learning Platform: This project milestone aims to create an online platform that will include the above-mentioned results and assist young people and youth workers in improving their skills.

Project duration

September 2022 till August 2024


coming soon

Project Partners

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Turkish National Agency. Neither the European Union nor Turkish National Agency can be held responsible for them.

Perspectives on education

Exploration of teenage life and their learning environments

The central objective is the exploration of teenage life and learning environments, to be able to analyze differences in educational participation and develop new learning formats for the training and education of young second-generation immigrants.

The content of the project is divided into different work packages, of each of them characterized by the use of different scientific methods. First, with the help of an analysis of the micro-census data and the Labour Force Survey, there is drawn a map of the education regions of Austria. This provides initial findings on the causes and differences in educational participation among youngsters of the second generation, facilitates a hypotheses regarding adolescent learners and motivates the subsequent selection of interviewees.

In the further course, quantitative data receives a qualitative deepening and widening. Using narrative interviews, young people all over Austria will be interrogated about their study habits, learning experiences, learning sites, learning motivations and learning contents. Based on these youthful self-images, learning types will be developed and described. Then, in group discussions with young people, questionnaires are developed in order to quantify the learning types. Finally, this quantification is carried out using a standardized survey of young people who are on the second education (eg evening classes, AMS measures) and young people not completing any formation. Based on these results and in collaboration with the target group (young people, trainers) follows the development of new learning formats and scenarios for the training and education of young people in continuation education.

For the processing of theoretical questions, for the discussion and review of research methods, for the reflection of the project’s progress and finally for the qualification of the results, there will be carried out a scientific monitoring project throughout the course of the project.

Conclusively, in order to achieve the mainstreaming of the results, decision makers and opinion leaders will be informed of the project results within the framework of workshops .

Project duration

2012 till 2014

Project Partners


Funded by the European Social Fund and the Federal Ministry for Education, Art and Culture (bmukk).


Multicultural Interdisciplinary Handbook

This project centers on learning history and geography in a multicultural perspective. This is achieved through the development and sharing of a set of tools that includes a HandBook, Digital Modules and a Teacher Training Course. They will offer a structured path through European Contemporary History and Geography where the countries concerned will be those of the Project partners.


  • Further develope of a common European identity by having schools participate in the culture of other countries using their languages and their collective symbolic imagery
  • Contribute to the creation of a new generation of school handbooks and ICT-based contents that can support teachers involved in CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) experiences, or who are simply interested in them
  • Implementation of digital educational contents in schools


  • A HandBook and Digital Materials, which deal with a choice of historical and geographical topics, selected among those that have had an important impact in the national imagery in the last two centuries. The final version of HandBook and Digital Modules will be available in all the languages of the partner countries.
  • A Teacher Training Course addressed to both future and in-service teachers. The training develops the topics dealt by the HandBook and explains its methodology and issues.

Projekt duration

October 2009 till November 2011


Homepage: www.mihproject.eu

Project Partners

Join In a Job! Manual.

Martina Bechter, Paul Schober (eds.)

Join In a Job! Practitioner´s manual. A career guide for migrants

Innsbruck, Wien, Bozen: Studienverlag 2010.

ISBN: 978-3-7065-4971-4; 176 pages; incl. CD-ROM, € 19,90

Hafelekar Series Volume 5

Short description:
The intercultural career guidance method “Join In a Job!” aims at empowering young people with migration background for the job market and VET. A portfolio of questionnaires, diagnostic tools and worksheets assist career guidance officers in their work with young migrants – country specific tools are available here on CD for practitioners in Austria, Germany, Ireland, Italy and Poland.

8 hints for using “Join In a Job!”

  1. Experiences in career guidance and intercultural work are essential to use the method effectively.
  2. Before using the method, get involved with the variety of tools and diagnostic instruments first.
  3. It is not intended to use all instruments for all clients – this is rather a toolkit!
  4. Rephrase personal questions to what is appropriate for the individual client.
  5. Mind maps visualize the holistic approach: various living areas are important for the job search.
  6. Parts of the method can also be used in group settings.
  7. The most suitable career guidance setting is a long-term one.
  8. Clients are experts of their own (professional) life!

This book was produced and published within the EU-Leonardo Transfer of Innovation project Join In a Job!

Study Migration Salzburg

Study of the labour market situation for migrants in Salzburg – implementation concept

The target of the research study was to point out the situation of migrants on Salzburgs labour market and to provide policy recommendations.

The study consists of three parts which aim to:

  • analyze social demographic features of the target group in Salzburg concerning the labour market (analysis)
  • consider experiences and required basic conditions of several stakeholders (qualitative part),
  • evaluate proved and in other countries successfully implemented methods regarding good practice samples (recommendations for action)

The analysis referred to current workings in Austria and, moreover, showed additional requirements of a solid data base for TEP Salzburg. The AMDB („Arbeitsmarktdatenbank von AMS und Hauptverband“ – labour market data base of AMS and main association) was primary used as data basis. So did the MZ-AKE (Microcensus – labour survey) and the SILC (statistics on income and living conditions). Those data guaranteed a very current and well-founded information base. Additionally, “invisible persons” (= currently not in training, nor in job, nor any care obligations, at an employable age) were taken into consideration. Already realized studies were evaluated and additional interviews were held within the scope of the qualitative part. This part aimed to utilize important stakeholders, their experiences and resources for sustainable labour market integration. Recommendations for action reflect key results from the first two parts and provide a “good practice” collection gathered by other Austrian provinces and within European context. The approach therefor was an already implemented collection of good ideas and moderated processes by ZSI and ILO (International Labour Organisation).


Land Salzburg

Project duration

April 2009

Project Partners

Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung
ZSI – Zentrum für Soziale Innovation, Wien

Join In a Job!

Remove entry barriers to the labour market!

The Project aims to identify barriers for young migrants – from 15 to 24 years – and to (re-)integrate them into the labour market. By transferring and adapting the JOIN IN A JOB! method in the partner countries many coaches and career guidance officers should learn and apply the method. The aim is (re-)integration in the labour market.

JOIN IN A JOB! contains a career guidance method set developed specially for working with young migrants. A resource and competence oriented process combines questionnaires and diagnostic tools to guide clients on their way to a job or further education. The method consists of three stages depending on the individual client’s need:

Initial Assessment – need for information:
providing basic information about how to find a job or an apprenticeship, shaping main goals.

Intense Assessment – need for guidance and care:
providing individual advice in areas of need (e.g. legal, housing, migration aspects) and an empowering set of tools within the Job Box for career guidance.

Job Box – need for career guidance:
a fur­ther intense assessment, dealing with case ma­nagement and professional care in situations where social integration of the individual has to be set as a first step. This com­prehensive volume of handouts, instructions, case studies and documents help to create an individual training and education portfolio including clients informal and non-formal competences.


  • An edited fieldbook provides the basic for the proper use of the instruments, contains contributions by the partners regarding their training activities, phases and impacts on VET systems
  • Trainings for master coaches and career guidance officers to transfer and use the counselling method
  • National reports, web site and communication platform

Project duration

October 2008 till September 2010

Publication and Web

Paul Schober
Join in a Job!
Practitioner’s manual. A career guidance method for migrants
ISBN 978-3-7065-4971-4
Information by publisher

The CD_ROM attached to the book “Join In a Job! Practitioner´s manual. A career guide for migrants.” contains county-specific Tools for career guidance officers.

Project Partners

Join In a Job! Handbook

Silvia Exenberger, Eva Fleischer, Martin Maier, Paul Schober (eds.)

Join In a Job! Instrumente zur beruflichen Beratung jugendlicher MigrantInnen
Join in a Job! Instruments for Job Orientation for young Migrants

Innsbruck, Wien, Bozen: Studienverlag 2007

ISBN: 3-7065-4393-4; 205 pages; incl. CD-ROM

Hafelekar Series Volume 3

Short description:
Young people with migrant backgrounds are much more affected from unemployment work than their peers “locals”. Youth centers, but also institutions of vocational and educational guidance have often not yet have the necessary knowledge and tools for this target group.

Against this background, the editors developed Join in a Job! as a competence-and resource-oriented guidance method that is tailored to young migrants.

The manual presents all blocks of this method using case studies: Basic and Intense clearing, 4 steps to the job, the Job box and the Tyrolean Migration compass.

The accompanying CD contains all the tools, forms and supporting documentation to Join In a job! Method that can be used in consultancy practice.

This book was developed as part of the Equal project Join In.

Join In

Qualification and counselling for young migrants

The aim of the EQUAL project Join In was the integration and re-integration of young migrants into the labour market and into qualified jobs. Within the scope of five subprojects, networks in-between teenagers, migration experts and disseminators were built-up and different training and career guidance offers were elaborated. Some offers aimed at parents of the adolescents. A Mongolian yurt served as a hub for diverse projects with which Join In was going on a Tyrol-tour. Within the scope of this project intercultural career guidance instruments were developed for the recognition of individual educational needs and for the visualization of job-relevant and particularly intercultural competencies. Furthermore methods and instruments for job placement were provided (case management), which were adapted to the respective placement obstacles of young migrants.


  • Elaboration of intercultural clearing- and counselling methods in 5 modules
  • Organisation of the JOIN IN information fair – give young migrants a chance!
  • Numerous activities together with the partners: conventions, workshops, lectures for the teenagers as well as for the parents
  • database “Tyrolean migrant-compass” and implementation of an internet platform/website
  • Publishing of a handbook „teenagers without chance?“ that examine the situation of young people with migration background in country comparison
  • Brochure „4 steps to a job“, that describes all relevant information on the topics career decision and job search for young people with migration background in a well-arranged form
  • Publishing of a practitioner handbook “Join in a Job!”

Project duration

July 2005 till June 2007

Project Partners


Supported by funds from the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture.

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