KITE Fighters

Kids and Teachers Fighting for Inclusion

The aim of the project is to assist pedagogues working with young people, with a focus on diversities, to strengthen social inclusion, and promote peer-to-peer communication and team building.

Innovative methods and tools for teachers and students will be developed to prevent bullying situations and the escalation of conflicts at school:

  1. Equip teachers with tools to enhance their capability to support students, promoting their mental health and emotional intelligence development.
  2. Enable teachers to use creative and innovative methodologies as symbol work, storytelling, folk tales and other non-formal education approaches.
  3. Support schools to tackle early school leaving (ESL) and disadvantage and to offer quality education, enabling success for all students.
  4. The main overall objective is to strengthen social inclusion skills of kids and teachers.

Aims & Objectives

  • Development of the “KITE-FIGHTER TOOLKIT”: a collection of different tools, games and exercises, which teachers can use. It will include storytelling, symbol work and folk tales exercises
  • Elaboration of a CURRICULUM and TRAINER’S GUIDE for a teacher training, to empower teachers to use the Kite-fighter toolkit techniques, and develop new professional and socio-emotional skills
  • Organization of MULTIPLIER EVENTS and ACTIVITIES as well as delivering a set of MINI-TRAINING EVENTS to empower local teachers and youth workers to use the KITE-fighter toolkit.

Project duration

September 2019 till April 2022



Project Partners

Erasmus Logo

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Achieving Resilience Through Play and Drama

ARTPAD (Achieving Resilience Through Play and Drama) is a three year Erasmus+, partnership (5 countries) lead by Playwork Partnerships and by the Drama team at the University of Gloucestershire.

ARTPAD aims to support the engagement and resilience of participants from disadvantaged backgrounds in formal and non–formal education to help prevent early school leaving. The 5 project partners will work co-operatively to disseminate, develop and extend the expertise and international reach of their practice. ARTPAD covers three complimentary aspects:

  1. Understanding resilience and children’s development and behaviour through Play.
  2. Drama techniques for engagement with learning
  3. Drama and Play to build social understanding and behaviour

Project duration:

September 2015 till August 2018



Project Partners

Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung (Austria)
University of Gloucestershire (England)
Rogers Foundation for Person-Centred Education (Hungary)
University of Gdansk (Poland)
UWEZO (Germany)

Erasmus Logo

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Measuring system for non-formal and informal learning

The INFORM project aims at designing, developing and testing a model which will measure non-formal and informal learning specifically developed for those accessing initial training / education / basic skills within the context of lifelong guidance. It proposes to design and develop a series of tools which will aim to measure in a transparent and credible manner non-formal and informal learning.

For many disadvantaged job seekers accessing labour market opportunities and /or initial training/education and guidance supports, it can be difficult to measure and document the competencies developed through life experience. Organisations working with this target group often have difficulties in identifying and measuring these competencies (developed informally and non-formally) and therefore are unable to build a clear picture of an individuals skills and abilities. These competencies are often transferable into the workplace, into further training and education and can influence guidance practice.


  • Development of tools for self-assessment
  • INFORM competence-check, web-based measuring instrument for the determinaton and visualisation of daily abilities as learning fields
  • Guide for a competence interview that helps finding own competences
  • Successful pilot test with 150 participants

The products are available in English, German and Swedish.

Project duration

October 2006 till November 2008

Project Partners


Spreading and communicating the idea of MAMED

The COMMAMED project is a Leonardo-Accompanied Measures-funded project in scope of MAMED – an international network dedicated to socially inserting vulnerable people like people with disabilities and long term unemployed persons by collecting and recycling medical devices and training concepts. COMMAMED´s aim is to communicate MAMED and spread MAMED information.

Therefore MAMED meetings were carried out in the European partner regions with institutions and/or organizations in order to exchange opinions and to elaborate possibilities to develop MAMED activities. The focus was on training concepts.

Hafelekar´s assignment is to identify local potential partners, to provide them with information and to actively dessiminate the idea of MAMED. For this purpose goodpractice experiences and materials concerning medical equipment were exchanged between the transnational partners. Publication and translation ofdocumentary material in all participating languages is planned.

Project duration

October 2009 till November 2011

Project Partners


Integrated career guidance and integrated vocational training

The major object of IBEA is to support disadvantaged adolescents with vocational trainings after compulsory school and thus facilitate their integration into the labour market. As a result, there should be achieved a self-determined, self-confident lifestyle within society.

Within the scope of three subprojects, a concept for inclusive classes at vocational schools was developed jointly with partners from all over Austria. In order to integrate parts of the concept and materials into everyday school life, qualification measures were offered for teachers. Additionally, an integrative whole-year-procedure for vocational orientation for grade 9 and beyond were developed and tested. The latter happened jointly with polytechnic schools in Styria, Lower-Austria and Tyrol.

Module 1: interface school – job
creates a framework concept for inclusive classes at vocational schools and develops adequate teaching and learning materials. Furthermore, a nationwide competence centre will be developed and tested in order to offer consulting and support for all participants.

Module 2: Integrative vocational training
focuses on the person acting. Measures for the qualification of pedagogues at vocational schools and trainers are developed and piloted.

Module 3: Integrative career guidance
This module develops an integrative career guidance and vocational preparation model for all adolescents at grade 9. It will be sustainably implemented within a whole-year-procedure.


  • material and documents for career-start and training
  • creation of a method collection for consulting and orientation as instruction handbook “I´m me” (“Ich bin Ich”)
  • competence portfolio for the detection and visualisation of abilities
  • Development and compilation of learning material for use in class

Project duration

September 2005 till September 2007

Hafelekar Consulting was entrusted with the whole evaluation in Austria, which involved interviews and an evaluation report. Likewise its task was to compile and implement suitable teaching material in German language.


Supported by funds from the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture

Familiy & work Ötztal Valley

Familiy-friendly working environment – Region Ötztal

Within the scope of the working and business pact the project “family-friendly working environment 2005 – Region Ötztal” took place.

Herein, the regional impact of the establishment of a big spa landscape (Aqua Dome) was examined. Main aim was the networking within the region in order to establish a family-friendly working environment. Therefore measures were implemented regarding the fields of human resource management, child care, accompanying support for restarters, family-friendly working hours models and approaches to a solution concerning the traffic problems.

Hafelekar Consulting was in charge of a baseline study. Within the framework of this study requirements and needs were determined in order to develop accurate offers in the field of further training and child care. The study consisted of four steps:

  1. As a first step there was carried out a secondary research regarding all relevant facts and figures
  2. Written questionnaires formed the second step. Thereby operational data in the predefined business sectors were collected.
  3. In addition to the quantitative data collected, 10 in-depth interviews with experts were conducted.
  4. The results of the written questionnaires – complemented with the results of the expert interviews – were presented to a steering committee.

Within the scope of a future workshop, future scenarios were developed by means of a moderated process.

Project duration

2004 till 2005


Land Tirol

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