The mission of the BUiLD project is to develop Indonesia’s national Crisis Management and Resilience knowledge, preparedness and response capability, through the design and implementation of a Disaster Resilience Framework across Indonesia and its Higher Education Institutes.

The project aims to create a Centre of Excellence in Disaster Resilience in each participating Indonesian university. Under the umbrella of a National Disaster Resilience Network, these centres will act as local enablers in the implementation of a comprehensive Disaster Resilience Framework. Based on the penta helix model, the vision behind the creation of the centres and the national disaster resilience network is to facilitate collaboration between universities and the public, private and third sector. This Disaster Resilience Framework integrates resilience capacity building at multiple levels, including the individual, programme, institutional and national level. It addresses several aspects of resilience capacity-building, including university governance, disaster response and recovery capability, disaster awareness training, curriculum development, internal and external information exchange and knowledge transfer as well as fundraising.


  • One of the project’s objectives is to increase the attractiveness of disaster resilience education and career development in order to build future research, innovation and leadership capacity. Aligned with the aims of the Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education programme, the project will lead to the modernisation of university governance across Indonesia, improve the management and functioning of universities in crisis situations, and strengthen their external relationships.
  • Cumulatively, Indonesian partner universities have a diverse network and close working relationships with key organisations. These include the National Ministry of Education and Higher Education (formerly MoRTHE), the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB), non-governmental disaster aid organisation ACT Alliance, the Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Centre (MDMC) and funding platforms kitabisa and Lazismu.
  • At local level, partner universities have working relationships with emergency services, including the police, hospitals, the military and with local businesses and communities. The project endeavours to consolidate and considerably strengthen the disaster resilience expertise and response capability that already exist in participating universities and their networks.

By October 2022 a minimum of 8 universities across Indonesia will have adopted the Build Best Practice Model for University Governance. A minimum of 8 universities will have participated in the BUiLD Disaster Awareness Campaign and been trained on delivering a disaster awareness workshops to students, staff and associated stakeholder groups and the use of virtual reality equipment. A minimum of 8 Centres of Excellence in Disaster Resilience will have been created A working BUiLD Disaster Resilience Network for cross-sector information sharing and knowledge transfer will have been established, supported by a web portal.

Project duration

November 2019 to October 2022


Project Partners

Erasmus Logo

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


aisab logo

Applied Innovation for Students and Business

The AISAB Project addresses the need within the EU to improve the level of innovation and its impact, particularly in SMEs. Building on the work of other innovation projects and materials, it will develop approaches to develop the skills that support SME innovation from an HEI context and through VET. These complementary streams of work will see implementation of initiatives to drive innovation, both during the project and also on a sustainable basis, by embedding the outcomes in the day-to-day activities of HEIs and organisations delivering VET to SMEs.

The project objectives are to develop learning materials aimed at enhancing student skills in assessing and implementing innovation, and build tools that students can use to facilitate their impact when consulting in SMEs. It will also develop a toolkit for SMEs to self-diagnose their innovation practice, as well as putting in place business intervention approaches that can be used to enhance innovation practices in SMEs.


  • Develop a series of tools and techniques that leverage the work of previous projects, and established good practice, into a HE context for use with students to enhance their knowledge of innovation;
  • Create a handbook/process guide enabling HE students to work within SMEs to assess and develop innovation practice to enhance their skills in assessing and implementing innovation;
  • Design and develop a toolkit for SMEs to self-diagnose innovation practice and identify weaknesses;
  • Develop business intervention approaches to enhance innovation practices in SMEs;
  • Create case studies for use in a VET and HE context to support dissemination and exploitation of project results;
  • Write and present a research paper exploring reasons for weaknesses in the underlying culture and support infrastructure relating to innovation in SMEs.

Project duration

September 2017 till April 2020


Project partners

Universität Gloucestershire (England) – Koordination
Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung (Österreich)
PROMPT-H Bildungs GmbH (Ungarn)
Universität Sopron, Wirtschaftsfakultät (Ungarn)
Universität Primorska, Fakultät für Management (Slowenien)
Korona plus d.o.o., Ljubljana (Slowenien)
Fondazione Instituto Tecnico Superiore, Bergamo (Italien)
Universidad de Granada (Spanien)

Erasmus Logo

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Colonisation and Decolonisation in National History Culture

The project CoDec (Colonisation and Decolonisation in National History Cultures and Memory Politics in European Perspective) deals with several important research issues and approaches towards history cultures and memory politics in Europe:

  • studying the reappraisal of the colonial past and processes of decolonisation in different European states in a comparative perspective and in cooperation with the European project partners
  • studying the way of teaching the topic in the partner states in history education and the question of the impact and importance of colonial pasts on history cultures and memory politics today
  • discussing in how far national memory cultures of colonialism and decolonisation can be implemented into a collective European frame, in the context of the idea that the colonial past is a connecting as well as a dividing moment in European history.

Phases and projects of de-centralisation in history education and widening historic views beyond national constraints enable students to become aware of cultural diversity and to recognise and estimate it accordingly. In the encounter with other times and historically different worlds there is the chance of looking at the own history with a new awareness and to respect the other as a legitimate variant. In general, a closer cooperation between science and didactics is highly important.


  • Teaching modules, published in print and in digital versions, incl. introductions and lesson plans plus new sources, translated into English, German and French
  • Innovative conferences as a means of further teacher training, which will be attended by participants from all stages of teacher education

Project duration

October 2013 until September 2015



Project Partners

logo eu lifeliong learning programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Multicultural Interdisciplinary Handbook

This project centers on learning history and geography in a multicultural perspective. This is achieved through the development and sharing of a set of tools that includes a HandBook, Digital Modules and a Teacher Training Course. They will offer a structured path through European Contemporary History and Geography where the countries concerned will be those of the Project partners.


  • Further develope of a common European identity by having schools participate in the culture of other countries using their languages and their collective symbolic imagery
  • Contribute to the creation of a new generation of school handbooks and ICT-based contents that can support teachers involved in CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) experiences, or who are simply interested in them
  • Implementation of digital educational contents in schools


  • A HandBook and Digital Materials, which deal with a choice of historical and geographical topics, selected among those that have had an important impact in the national imagery in the last two centuries. The final version of HandBook and Digital Modules will be available in all the languages of the partner countries.
  • A Teacher Training Course addressed to both future and in-service teachers. The training develops the topics dealt by the HandBook and explains its methodology and issues.

Projekt duration

October 2009 till November 2011



Project Partners


Expertising and Sharing Lifelong Guidance for the Placement

The main project aim is to promote the transfer of a kit of products, enabling people to enter the labour market through job orientation placement. The focus lies on the development of graduates’ transferable skills, and provides them with procedures for quality work experience, adapted to improve their own existing competence sets.

Together with EU-partners the transfer of the tools should be brought together in order to promote an integrated system of good practices, non-formal and informal learning as well as lifelong guidance (LLG) – support regarding employability.


  • Report on lifelong learning
  • Indicators concerning the labour market, especially the link between university and work life
  • Validation study of informal and non formal learning work package in European countries

Project duration

October 2008 till September 2010

Project Partners

  • Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung – Innsbruck (Austria)
  • Università degli Studi di Parma – Parma (Italy)
  • CERES, Centro di Ricerca Economica e Sociale – Rom (Italy)
  • Università degli Studi di Catania – Cataniea (Italy)
  • Università di Bologna – Bologna (Italy)
  • St. Cyril und St. Methodius Universität Veliko Turnovo – Veliko Turnovo (Bulgaria)
  • Tellus Group Limited – Plymouth (United Kingdom)
  • Badegruber & Partner GmbH (B&P) – Linz (Austria)
  • Uniwersytet Jagiellonsky Kraków – Krakau (Poland)
  • Slovakischer akademischer Verband für internationale Kooperation – Bratislava (Slovakia)
  • ASAEL, Aragonische Verbindung der Kommunalbehörden – Zaragoza (Spain)
  • ONECO, Gemeinnützige Bildungsorganisation – Sevilla (Spain)
  • Technische und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Universität Budapest – Budapest (Hungary)


G.MO.V.E – Graduated-MObility Veers to Europe

Working in another European country can be of great value to someone´s life and professional career. Mobility within Europe provides the opportunity to learn new languages, improve existing knowledge and to get to know other cultures. At the same time, there are major challenges associated with it. Within this context starts an European photo competition with the title „Make yourself a picture of Europe“.

The general aim of this contest was to boost the vocational mobility within Europe as well as to raise the awareness of EURES – European Employment Services. Participants could submit up to a maximum of six photos that deal with life and job opportunities as well as experiences in connection with occupation, education, studies and a stay abroad. The topic could be elaborated in every photographic manner regarding content and form. The photo competiton was co-financed by the European commission, head office on employment and social affairs within the scope of the information campaign 2003/2004 on the topic mobility. Hafelekar Consulting organised the photo competion jointly with other project partners.

Project duration

2003 till 2004

Project Partners

Camera Work Group
Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung
University Luton
AMS Tirol
Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol
University Innsbruck
Lomographische Gesellschaft Österreich


With support from the European Commission – Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

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