Future-proof Your Career

Career Guidance for a Modern Labour Market

Future-proof your Career aims to design, develop and implement a Future of Work Framework, focused on the identification -through a guidance process- of transversal skills which can be used to future-proof the careers of disadvantaged job seekers and enable sustainable future employment.

This forward thinking career guidance framework will provide a way of working for guidance practitioners which facilitates quality future focused career plans for job seekers already marginalized in the labour market, so as to ensure their inclusion in a technological and digitalized world of work. It will support marginalized job seekers to understand and gain awareness of key competencies which are essential employability competences for a future labour market. These key competences underpin the ability to adapt and change to the demands of a technological workplace and are important in up-skilling in initial and continuous vocational, educational and training.

The project has three main objectives

  • to enable Individuals to become aware of their own skills for the future labour market particularly in relation to communication and interpersonal skills
  • to create awareness of future workplaces, their requirements, and associated VET progression routes
  • to create a culture of training and up-skilling of guidance practitioners in a fast changing labour market

The main outcomes of the project

The FYC online platform: develop an online e-learning like platform which will, through a series of interactive questions and animations, help the individual identify their human, social and psychological capital, and their connection to the current and longer-term labour market. It will identify areas where the individual could benefit from vocational or industry specific upskilling. It will provide the individual and their guidance practitioner with a report outlining existing capabilities and make suggestions as to how these could be built upon and utilized and thus enable the individual to prepare for a labour market which is driven by automation and digitization.

FYC Training Modules for Practitioners: Development of a training module for practitioners on the future of work, the types of jobs available, their make up in terms of hard and soft skills, and the career path options available to job seekers

Project duration

October 2019 to September 2021

Project Partners

Ballymun Job Centre (Irland) – Koordination
Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung (Österreich)
CIOFS – Formazione Professionale (Italien)
Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti (Bulgarien)
Headway Ireland CLG (Irland)
Fundacion Tomillo (Spanien)

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



Symbols for Success

SymfoS – Symbols for Success project promotes an innovative education and career guidance method addressed to young disadvantaged people based on sets of symbols.

Very often the traditional counselling methods are aimed at young people who have advanced writing and reading skills and are already supported by a strong social system. These kinds of interventions can be ineffective with young people who, for various reasons, find difficulties in expressing in words their situation, their needs and their goals for the future. Working with symbols is an opportunity for them to use a universal language to do it.

SymfoS aims to support young people who encounter difficulties in finding their own pathway within the education system and labour market to set their own goals for their future. SymfoS further aims to provide educational guidance and professional operators a holistic method that improves the overall quality of counselling.

Project duration

September 2016 till February 2019


Homepage: www.symfos-youth.eu
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SymfoS/

Project Partner

Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung (Austria) – Coordination
Asociacion Caminos (Spain)
Sozialwerk Düren (Germany)
ZeMiT (Austria)
CESIE (Italy)

Erasmus Logo

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



Diagnosis and actions for young people looking for a better future

This project aims to help disadvantaged young people by elucidating and interpreting the recent recommendation of the EU Parliament and Council which stresses the 8 key competencies for lifelong learning.

The direct target of the project is the group of professionals working with these young people such as: Practitioners in School, University and/or Labour guidance; Career Guidance Practitioners, Agencies and of the Employment Centers; trainers and teacher of the VET sector.
The indirect targetgroup are the young people with disadvantage condition (particularly the NEETs and the new arriving refugees, migrants or asylum seekers entering or looking for a VET opportunity), then all the organisations involved in the specific topic (VET schools and institutes; Public Administrations dealing directly with the young and with education, labour and reception policies; trade unions; enterprises, etc.)

The concrete aim of the project is to build with and to offer to the direct target a useful tool kit to help the young people with disadvantage condition aging from 18 to 29 years with specific training, education, on-the-job activities in order to facilitate their entrance in the more appropriate VET channel to strengthen their competencies and/or in the labour market.

Throughout the project’s lifecycle, a comparison of the existing best practices on the topic of key competencies development will be promoted and a specific MOOC platform (Massive Online Open Courses) will be planned, tested and launched to support competencies assessment and their development to enhance training and/or employment opportunities for the disadvantaged young. An original diagnosis tool kit based on innovative frameworks, including gamification and survey will allow the Practitioners and teachers to map the soft and professional skills of the young people and to assess their level.

At this stage the Practitioners and teachers will help young people to write their first EU curriculum, then, using the modules on the platform (also multimedia), they will help them to decide how to overcome the existing gaps selecting the right training or apprenticeship opportunity/ies. At the end the Practitioners and teachers will be able to assess again the skills and competences and, accordingly, to rewrite the CV. On the platform an innovative section will be targeted to match enterprises and workers, so the Practitioners will be able, with the young people, to point out the more promising working opportunities for the future professional inclusion.

Project duration

September 2016 till Oktober 2018


Homepage: www.day-plot.eu

Project Partners

Antares – Rom (Italy) – Coordination
Eulab Consulting – Rom (Italy)
GEMS Northern Ireland – Belfast (North Ireland, UK)
Work Research Institute (AFI) – Oslo (Norway)
Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung – St. Pölten (Austria)
Centre Recursos d’Iniciatives i Autoocupació, sl (C.R.I.A.) – Madrid (Spain)

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Dieses Projekt wurde mit Unterstützung der Europäischen Kommission finanziert. Die Verantwortung für den Inhalt dieser Veröffentlichung trägt allein die VerfasserIn; die Kommission haftet nicht für die weitere Verwendung der darin enthaltenen Angaben.


Manage Your Career

The Manage Your Career Partnership developed a methodology which supports guidance counsellors across Europe in the empowerment of job seekers. The partnership consists of six core organizations from 5 countries (Ireland, Northern Ireland, Austria, Hungary and Spain) that are interested in the exploration, development and application of the Career Management Skills. The partnership is especially interested in seeing people who are disadvantaged in the labor market to develop these skills, building a sustainable career.

Aims & Results

  • Development of a Career Management Skills – Methodology
  • Development of a training day for counsellors
  • Implementation of a pilot phase of the training

Project duration

October 2010 to September 2012

Project Partners

Join In a Job! Manual.

Martina Bechter, Paul Schober (eds.)

Join In a Job! Practitioner´s manual. A career guide for migrants

Innsbruck, Wien, Bozen: Studienverlag 2010.

ISBN: 978-3-7065-4971-4; 176 pages; incl. CD-ROM, € 19,90

Hafelekar Series Volume 5

Short description:
The intercultural career guidance method “Join In a Job!” aims at empowering young people with migration background for the job market and VET. A portfolio of questionnaires, diagnostic tools and worksheets assist career guidance officers in their work with young migrants – country specific tools are available here on CD for practitioners in Austria, Germany, Ireland, Italy and Poland.

8 hints for using “Join In a Job!”

  1. Experiences in career guidance and intercultural work are essential to use the method effectively.
  2. Before using the method, get involved with the variety of tools and diagnostic instruments first.
  3. It is not intended to use all instruments for all clients – this is rather a toolkit!
  4. Rephrase personal questions to what is appropriate for the individual client.
  5. Mind maps visualize the holistic approach: various living areas are important for the job search.
  6. Parts of the method can also be used in group settings.
  7. The most suitable career guidance setting is a long-term one.
  8. Clients are experts of their own (professional) life!

This book was produced and published within the EU-Leonardo Transfer of Innovation project Join In a Job!


Expertising and Sharing Lifelong Guidance for the Placement

The main project aim is to promote the transfer of a kit of products, enabling people to enter the labour market through job orientation placement. The focus lies on the development of graduates’ transferable skills, and provides them with procedures for quality work experience, adapted to improve their own existing competence sets.

Together with EU-partners the transfer of the tools should be brought together in order to promote an integrated system of good practices, non-formal and informal learning as well as lifelong guidance (LLG) – support regarding employability.


  • Report on lifelong learning
  • Indicators concerning the labour market, especially the link between university and work life
  • Validation study of informal and non formal learning work package in European countries

Project duration

October 2008 till September 2010

Project Partners

  • Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung – Innsbruck (Austria)
  • Università degli Studi di Parma – Parma (Italy)
  • CERES, Centro di Ricerca Economica e Sociale – Rom (Italy)
  • Università degli Studi di Catania – Cataniea (Italy)
  • Università di Bologna – Bologna (Italy)
  • St. Cyril und St. Methodius Universität Veliko Turnovo – Veliko Turnovo (Bulgaria)
  • Tellus Group Limited – Plymouth (United Kingdom)
  • Badegruber & Partner GmbH (B&P) – Linz (Austria)
  • Uniwersytet Jagiellonsky Kraków – Krakau (Poland)
  • Slovakischer akademischer Verband für internationale Kooperation – Bratislava (Slovakia)
  • ASAEL, Aragonische Verbindung der Kommunalbehörden – Zaragoza (Spain)
  • ONECO, Gemeinnützige Bildungsorganisation – Sevilla (Spain)
  • Technische und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Universität Budapest – Budapest (Hungary)

Join In a Job!

Remove entry barriers to the labour market!

The Project aims to identify barriers for young migrants – from 15 to 24 years – and to (re-)integrate them into the labour market. By transferring and adapting the JOIN IN A JOB! method in the partner countries many coaches and career guidance officers should learn and apply the method. The aim is (re-)integration in the labour market.

JOIN IN A JOB! contains a career guidance method set developed specially for working with young migrants. A resource and competence oriented process combines questionnaires and diagnostic tools to guide clients on their way to a job or further education. The method consists of three stages depending on the individual client’s need:

Initial Assessment – need for information:
providing basic information about how to find a job or an apprenticeship, shaping main goals.

Intense Assessment – need for guidance and care:
providing individual advice in areas of need (e.g. legal, housing, migration aspects) and an empowering set of tools within the Job Box for career guidance.

Job Box – need for career guidance:
a fur­ther intense assessment, dealing with case ma­nagement and professional care in situations where social integration of the individual has to be set as a first step. This com­prehensive volume of handouts, instructions, case studies and documents help to create an individual training and education portfolio including clients informal and non-formal competences.


  • An edited fieldbook provides the basic for the proper use of the instruments, contains contributions by the partners regarding their training activities, phases and impacts on VET systems
  • Trainings for master coaches and career guidance officers to transfer and use the counselling method
  • National reports, web site and communication platform

Project duration

October 2008 till September 2010

Publication and Web

Paul Schober
Join in a Job!
Practitioner’s manual. A career guidance method for migrants
ISBN 978-3-7065-4971-4
Information by publisher

The CD_ROM attached to the book “Join In a Job! Practitioner´s manual. A career guide for migrants.” contains county-specific Tools for career guidance officers.

Project Partners

Parents Guide on Career

Martin Maier, Anna Paszkowska-Rogacz, Paul Schober (Hrsg.)

Wege ins Berufsleben – Ein Leitfaden für Eltern
My child is choosing a career

Innsbruck, Lodz: Hafelekar Eigenverlag 2008

147 Seiten

Short description:
Parents often feel overwhelmed when it comes to the professional future of their children; Often their help results contraproductive. Changes in the labor market, unemployment and the increasing amount of information about jobs and training opportunities for young people lead to confusion, indecision and lack of information.

The Parents’ Guide “Pathways to employment” describes clearly, how parents can help their children at their school and professional orientation.

Vocational orientation does not begin until the last year of compulsory education, and so there are also indications for the phase before the actual decision-making.

The book is divided into two parts. The first part deals with various aspects of career planning like different development stages of a child and their relationship to the professional orientation process, the importance of biological and psychological factors and external factors. In addition it gives practical tips for career guidance, job search and the application process.

In the second part the authors examine factors that influence the relationship between parents and children, such as motivational structures and levels of relationships between adolescents and their parents. The appendix of the book provides information on institutions for professional advice.

This publication came in English, German, Spanish, Romanian, Lithuanian, Polish and Greek, and published the result of the EU project “Parents as vocational trainers“, which brings together institutions from Poland, Austria, Spain, Lithuania, Romania and Cyprus.


Parents as Vocational Trainers

Main issue of the project is a further education and training for career counsellors at schools regarding the cooperation with parents of their students. The direct aim of the project is to create a training addressed to school-based vocational counsellors which would teach them how to cooperate with the parents whose children are facing the choice of their future career.

Competences of parents should get broader concerning their possibilities to support their children during the process of important decision making. Including parents to the guidance process enables a more efficient career orientation at schools. That fact should as a consequence raise the effectiveness choosing a vocational training by young people.


  1. Development and implementation of a 30-hour training course “How to cooperate with parents in shaping the vocational career of their children” for school vocational counsellors including methodological materials for trainers and teaching materials for participants.
  2. Redaction of a handbook for the parents on “How to help my child in making a vocational career decision”. Sample chapters deal with the factors of occupational career, help in decision-making, offer orientation on the labour market and give advice for the motivation of and communication with children.

Project duration

October 2006 till October 2008

Project Partners

  • Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung – Innsbruck (Austria)
  • Academy of Management – Lodz (Poland)
  • R.C.I (Research and Consultancy Institute) – Limassol (Cyprus)
  • ANNUR-Formatión-Cultura – Badajoz (Spain)
  • Jaunimo karjeros centras – Kaunas (Lithuania)


Measuring system for non-formal and informal learning

The INFORM project aims at designing, developing and testing a model which will measure non-formal and informal learning specifically developed for those accessing initial training / education / basic skills within the context of lifelong guidance. It proposes to design and develop a series of tools which will aim to measure in a transparent and credible manner non-formal and informal learning.

For many disadvantaged job seekers accessing labour market opportunities and /or initial training/education and guidance supports, it can be difficult to measure and document the competencies developed through life experience. Organisations working with this target group often have difficulties in identifying and measuring these competencies (developed informally and non-formally) and therefore are unable to build a clear picture of an individuals skills and abilities. These competencies are often transferable into the workplace, into further training and education and can influence guidance practice.


  • Development of tools for self-assessment
  • INFORM competence-check, web-based measuring instrument for the determinaton and visualisation of daily abilities as learning fields
  • Guide for a competence interview that helps finding own competences
  • Successful pilot test with 150 participants

The products are available in English, German and Swedish.

Project duration

October 2006 till November 2008

Project Partners

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