
overcoming loneliness

“Loneliness in old age” is a well-known social phenomenon that still receives too little attention. However, the current pandemic clearly shows us that we need to pay more attention to the issue. Older people are increasingly isolated in this situation:Those in care facilities are secluded for their own protection, others have little contact with friends and family or live entirely on their own. People caring for older people are often overwhelmed by the many safety precautions and challenges in their own daily lives. This is also true for family caregivers.

Since October 2020, the international Digi-Ageing consortium has been working on a comprehensive concept that addresses these challenges and develops appropriate measures to counteract the phenomenon of “loneliness in old age”. One of the main goals is to increase competences in the use of digital tools in the elderly care sector and to create a strong network that develops joint solutions.

What we develop

  • Research reports on the topic of loneliness in old age
  • Creation of a network that specifically counteracts this phenomenon
  • Digital diagnostic tool to be able to recognise “loneliness in old age” in good time
  • Digital intervention tools for education providers in the field of elderly care, for caregivers, for caring family members and for interested older people themselves
  • Curriculum for the Digi-Ageing Training Programme for the Care Sector

How we reach caregivers

Within the framework of the Digi-Ageing project, so-called “pilot trainers” are trained to subsequently conduct training sessions with other interested persons from the field of elderly care. These professionals will then implement the Digi-Ageing method in their own institutions and recruit other interested people.

Project duration

October 2020 to July 2023


Facebook: www.facebook.com/digiageing
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/digi-ageing

Project Partner

Erasmus Logo

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

DaD Study Lienz

Demand and development study for care of the elderly in the district of Lienz

In the district of Lienz multiple system partners ensured the formal care and care of old people. In order to meet the challanges of the future in demand and economics, a holistic approach and realignment was necessary.

The project “Demands and development study for the care sector in the district of Lienz” was the representation of the existing welfare system for elderly and dependent persons in the district and, based on that, included the formulation of recommendations for the (further) development of nursing and care services.

The following topics were covered by the study:

  • Analysis of the existing resources in the district of Lienz
  • Strengths / weaknesses analysis of the existing social system for the elderly and infirm
  • Guidelines for an overall strategy for sustainable supply of nursing
  • Formulation of short-and long-term recommendations for action
  • Basis for decisions regarding construction of a nursing home (Nussdorf Debant)
  • Assessment labour demands and proposals for meeting the needs


Association of Local District retirement homes Lienz

Project duration

January till Juli 2012

Care-Evaluation Tyrol

Evaluation of inpatient care in Tyrol

The project “Evaluation of inpatient care for the region of Tyrol” serves as a review and further development of the financial environment and the quality standards for inpatient care in Tyrol. The operational project objectives are the three working groups: general economic conditions, care and support framework and future care system assign Tyrol.

Objectives of Working Group 1: general economic conditions

  • Developing estimations for costs of Tyrolean residential and nursing homes based on a catalog of services
  • Determining a cost-recovery tariff for the service catalog of the Tyrolean residential and nursing homes based on a newly developed cost center accounting for the years 2008 and 2009
  • effective, transparent and fair distribution of resources of the cost object

Objectives of Working Group 2: Care and support frame

  • care mandate and performance catalog for the Tyrolean residential and nursing homes
  • Definition and description of a “reasonable care”
  • Development of criteria of qualification for care and maintenance in Tyrolean residential and nursing homes

Objectives of Working Group 3: Future care system Tyrol

Based on an assessment of the current status, problem analysis and evaluation (SWOT analysis), the following points are selected as targets for the working group:

  • Principles for the long-term development and future models of care and care facilities, taking into account the financial feasibility
  • Guidelines for new alternative models for the care and maintenance as well as the focus on special care and nursing services and facilities in relation to a medical supply
  • Networking Strategies for inpatient, day-care and mobile care and nursing care services

At the end of the project period, an outcome document was written, which presented, prioritized and, following the basis points, discribed. the proposals for action. The vast majority of recommendations for action comes directly from the group work. Some aspects have also been introduced by the facilitator.


Land Tirol

Project duration

May 2010 till September 2011

Study Welfare in Upper Austria

Study of social welfare organizations in Upper Austria

The scope of this research study are the structures of elderly care in Upper Austria. Questions of the request were treated methodically and professionally in respect of the scientific standards. Hereby the authors of the study should exceed a segmented view of elderly care. Moreover and in addition, concrete measures to optimize the existing systems should be proposed and evaluated. An extensive analysis includes tasks, structures, financing and efficiency of the social welfare associations. Therefor a well structured and analytically separated view at all three system levels (APH, mobile services, SHV, SO) was necessary. Althoug the central focus of the study is elderly care, additional tasks and services of the SHV (social welfare association)also considered should also be put into consideration.

The four social welfare associations Braunau, Linz-Land, Perg, Steyr-Land and Steyr have been chosen for a deepening analysis. Built on that, the situation is to be drawn on state level.

PART 1 includes the analysis of existing systems of the regional providers of social welfare. Hereby, in particular the currently performedtasks and the organization, regarding structures and processes, were analyzed, and structural particularities were brought out. All existing documents were taken into account to establish a research report.

PART 2 gives an overview of middle and long term financing. Considering prospective demographic developments and other system components a forecast calculation was prepared.

PART 3 focussed on an extensive evaluation of any possibilities to adapt the organization’s structure. Hereto all three system levels were analyzed: Mobile and stationary services, Social welfare associations and social departments in cities with an own statute


Land Oberösterreich, Social Services

Project duration

March till October 2008

Project Partners

Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung
MCI Management Center Innsbruck, Department Social Work, Department Business & Management


Language Competence for Nurses

The idea of the project is to create an elementary self-study multimedia language course to develop English, German, Italian and Spanish language skills for nurses. The course is made for nurses, trainees and other participants of the health care sector who are interested in learning those languages and/or who prepare for working abroad in this sector. On the one hand participants will improve their language skills particularly regarding professional vocabulary; on the other hand they get to know the health care systems in the respective country.

Within the scope of this project, language courses for self-study are developed on an E-learning plattform and on CD-ROMs, specially designed for the needs of nursing staff. The focus lies particularly on technical terms and colloquial language necessary for this professional group in performing its daily duties. The course responds to the special requirements and conditions of health care and nursing practice of respective countries with course materials, designed at an A1/A2 level. The core in-put materials are all video-based or rely on visual presentations, with a special emphasis put on practising pronunciation and intonation.


  • Development of a 60 hours multi media course on a self study basis for the following languages: English, German, Spanish, Italian from basic to intermediate language level
  • Release of the language courses on CD-ROM and online

Project duration

November 2006 until October 2008

Project Partners

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