
Digital entrepreneurship  for Youth

The DigEnYou project aims to upskill youth in the field of digital entrepreneurship by providing a training programme to develop and improve young people’s digital and entrepreneurial skills. The project addresses the following major needs in the field of youth on a global scale: 1) Digital skill upskilling, including digital literacy and readiness; 2) Enhancement of transversal skills for digital business development; and 3) Development of entrepreneurial skills.

Project Target Groups

  • Young people with limited digital skills and competencies, as well as those looking for opportunities for entrepreneurial learning and education.
  • The actors in digital youth work.

To meet these needs and provide a comprehensive training programme to young people interested in starting a digitally oriented business, the following outputs will be created:

  • Methodological Framework and Digital Market Skills Ecosystem: In the foundation phase of the project, a desk research and study circle will be conducted to define a Methodological Framework and Digital Market Skills.
  • DigEnYou curriculum and model: All partner countries will collaborate to develop curriculum outlines and DigEnYou course content.
  • DigEnYou methodology and piloting: is based on testing a training model in terms of objectives, recruitment and learning process, content, schedule, and timing.
  • DigEnYou Learning Platform: This project milestone aims to create an online platform that will include the above-mentioned results and assist young people and youth workers in improving their skills.

Project duration

September 2022 till August 2024


coming soon

Project Partners

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Turkish National Agency. Neither the European Union nor Turkish National Agency can be held responsible for them.

Chatbot based Career Guidance – 1st Newsletter

January 2023 | 1st Newsletter

The CareerBot partnership seeks to improve Digital Readiness of the Career Guidance sector by implementing CareerBot methodology and tool, facilitating blended guidance
sessions and to use customized Labour Market Information (LMI) to empower marginalized job seekers. We want to put Career Guidance Practitioners at the centre and assist them – and their organisations – on the path of digitalisation so that they can advise their clients in the best possible way.

With the help of our methodology, job seekers will be able to gather relevant
information before and after personal interviews, so that valuable personal services can
be used efficiently. With the “CareerBot project” we propose a pilot that focuses on the
role of career guidance, which became more demanding, and must be adapted more
rapidly and flexible to the changing needs of the new world of work.

The CareerBot project includes 4 main outcomes:

  1. CareerBot Content and Methodology
  2. CareerBot Tool
  3. Blended CareerBot training for Career Guidance Practitioners
  4. Transfer Handbook for Implementation with focus on Organisational
    Development (OD)

Here you can have a look at the preliminary version of our CareerBot/ pre-pilot phase:

Please provide your feedback after you have spend some time interacting with
CareerBot: Careerbot feedback form (google.com)

First f2f Transnational Project Meeting in Dublin, November 2022

Following key virtual meetings, last November 2022 we were able to meet in person in
Dublin, to review the progress of the different Project Results and Activities, develop
stronger bonds within our partnership and update the implementation plans going

We are delighted with the consultations and baseline analysis carried out up to date,
collaboration between the project coordinators and links with associated organisations
contributing to the CareerBot. We hope to obtain feedback from a diverse range of
Career Guidance Practitioners and colleagues who will be trained to use the CareerBot
with their clients during 2023.

Find out more about our project partners and updates in our website

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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