Integration City of Salzburg

Integration concept for the city of Salzburg

Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung was charged by the city of Salzburg to determine an integration concept for Salzburg. This includes all essential guidelines, targets, issues and measures for a broad and well structured municipal integration policy. The project´s goal was to achieve changes in social, political and administrative terms of awareness regarding the integration of migrants. Integration should become a cross social concern.

To guarantee a balanced comprehensive integration of all relevant groups, five working teams were created to determine the main problem area and range of action. Based on that, the teams elaborated specific measures, offers and activities, all aimed at supporting integration. The working groups included representatives of NGO´s and religious communities as well as representatives of migrants, the city council, politics and other relevant communities. In March 2006 the core recommendations were presented within a press conference.

Hafelekar was in charge of the process arrangement and moderation and compiled two studies:

  • A secondary research was generated including all available data and facts regarding the situation of migrants in Salzburg.
  • A further study considered the present legal and social situation of migrants living in Austria facing different social areas like labour and housing market, education, health and politics. The study addressed especially the issue of women and media.

Project duration

2005 till 2006


City of Salzburg

Project Partners

Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung
ZeMiT – Zentrum für MigrantInnen in Tirol

Needs analysis GW Tirol

qualitativ and quantitativ demand study for Geschützte Werkstätte Tirol

The GW Tirol (Geschützten Werkstätte Integrative Betriebe Tirol GmbH) planned to establish a new facility in order to create jobs for people with disabilities. Hafelekar was commissioned to research through quantitative and qualitative methods whether the target group is large enough for it.

Therefore, in a first baseline study, the following steps were undertaken:

  • Written survey of 86 villages
  • Data collection at the Federal Social Welfare Office Tyrol
  • Data collection at the Employment Service
  • Expert Interviews with professionals from the AMS, BSD, Land Tirol Social Services and ARBAS Tirol Arbeitsassistenz

Built on this first results, a qualitative study was developed based on the following data:

  • Written survey of 200 people with disabilities in the country districts of Innsbruck, Imst, Landeck and Reutte
  • Written survey of 150 people – who have come as a target group in question
  • Telephone interviews with 33 selected individuals who have responded to the written survey and possible interest could be seen at a job.

Project duration


  • Client

GW Tirol (Geschützten Werkstätte Integrative Betriebe Tirol GmbH)

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