Paul Schober, Josef Zelger, Margit Raich, (Eds.)

GABEK V – Werte in Organisationen und Gesellschaft
GABEK V – Values in Organizations and Society

Innsbruck, Wien, Bozen: Studienverlag 2012

ISBN: 978-3-7065-5083-3; 400 Seiten; EUR 41,90

Short description:
The GABEK ® Volume V summarizes applications of the method that have been reported in the VIII International GABEK Symposium in Sterzing.

In this anthology, GABEK projects are described, in which valuations of the affected people are reflected. This involves an invitation to a dialogue on values, goals and opportunities for development of individuals, as well as of different organizations.

The importance of such dialogue has lead to the development of new tools within the software WinRelan®, created for GABEK®. These tools that represent values and goals allow for a comparison and interpretation of rating systems and for the weighting of values and goals.

Join In a Job! Manual.

Martina Bechter, Paul Schober (eds.)

Join In a Job! Practitioner´s manual. A career guide for migrants

Innsbruck, Wien, Bozen: Studienverlag 2010.

ISBN: 978-3-7065-4971-4; 176 pages; incl. CD-ROM, € 19,90

Hafelekar Series Volume 5

Short description:
The intercultural career guidance method “Join In a Job!” aims at empowering young people with migration background for the job market and VET. A portfolio of questionnaires, diagnostic tools and worksheets assist career guidance officers in their work with young migrants – country specific tools are available here on CD for practitioners in Austria, Germany, Ireland, Italy and Poland.

8 hints for using “Join In a Job!”

  1. Experiences in career guidance and intercultural work are essential to use the method effectively.
  2. Before using the method, get involved with the variety of tools and diagnostic instruments first.
  3. It is not intended to use all instruments for all clients – this is rather a toolkit!
  4. Rephrase personal questions to what is appropriate for the individual client.
  5. Mind maps visualize the holistic approach: various living areas are important for the job search.
  6. Parts of the method can also be used in group settings.
  7. The most suitable career guidance setting is a long-term one.
  8. Clients are experts of their own (professional) life!

This book was produced and published within the EU-Leonardo Transfer of Innovation project Join In a Job!


Margit Raich, Paul Schober, Josef Zelger (eds.)

GABEK IV – Sprachliche Strukturen, Theorie und Anwendung.
GABEK IV – Linguistic Structures, Theory and Practice

Innsbruck, Wien, Bozen: Studienverlag 2010.

ISBN: 978-3-7065-4811-3; 340 pages; €42,90

Short description:
This volume contains the results of the VII. International GABEK®-Symposia and some additional contributions.

In the first part the authors deal with linguistic structures that promote learning, understanding and recall of knowledge and experience and show how GABEK® can complement other methods as a method of textual analysis.

In the second part ‘theory’ it is shown that partial results of the GABEK® -procedure in some cases can be considered as regionally limited theories and can be tested methodically. Also it is referred to philosophical, social and economic contexts within GABEK® has a special meaning to problem solving.

Finally, the third part of “practice” describes practical applications of the GABEK® method, when it was used for identity research, the evaluation of a crisis event and to regional development.

Parents Guide on Career

Martin Maier, Anna Paszkowska-Rogacz, Paul Schober (Hrsg.)

Wege ins Berufsleben – Ein Leitfaden für Eltern
My child is choosing a career

Innsbruck, Lodz: Hafelekar Eigenverlag 2008

147 Seiten

Short description:
Parents often feel overwhelmed when it comes to the professional future of their children; Often their help results contraproductive. Changes in the labor market, unemployment and the increasing amount of information about jobs and training opportunities for young people lead to confusion, indecision and lack of information.

The Parents’ Guide “Pathways to employment” describes clearly, how parents can help their children at their school and professional orientation.

Vocational orientation does not begin until the last year of compulsory education, and so there are also indications for the phase before the actual decision-making.

The book is divided into two parts. The first part deals with various aspects of career planning like different development stages of a child and their relationship to the professional orientation process, the importance of biological and psychological factors and external factors. In addition it gives practical tips for career guidance, job search and the application process.

In the second part the authors examine factors that influence the relationship between parents and children, such as motivational structures and levels of relationships between adolescents and their parents. The appendix of the book provides information on institutions for professional advice.

This publication came in English, German, Spanish, Romanian, Lithuanian, Polish and Greek, and published the result of the EU project “Parents as vocational trainers“, which brings together institutions from Poland, Austria, Spain, Lithuania, Romania and Cyprus.


Josef Zelger, Margit Raich, Paul Schober (Ed..)

GABEK III – Organisationen und ihre Wissensnetze
GABEK III – Organisations and their Knowledge Nets

Innsbruck, Wien, Bozen: Studienverlag 2008.

ISBN: 978-3-7065-4391-0; 336 Seiten; € 39,90

Short description:
To understand an organization the relationships between people, there have to be perceived and understood their knowledge, beliefs and their goals. That´s what the GABEK ® (Integrated management of complexity) is dedicated to. It allows a representation of conceptual knowledge and networks of an organization and its interpretation.

This volume contains the English-and German-language contributions from renowned international scholars and practitioners from different disciplines and covers the following complex issues: Origins and goals of qualitative research, integration and community building, representing practical knowledge with GABEK® and applications of GABEK® in psychology.

Join In a Job! Handbook

Silvia Exenberger, Eva Fleischer, Martin Maier, Paul Schober (eds.)

Join In a Job! Instrumente zur beruflichen Beratung jugendlicher MigrantInnen
Join in a Job! Instruments for Job Orientation for young Migrants

Innsbruck, Wien, Bozen: Studienverlag 2007

ISBN: 3-7065-4393-4; 205 pages; incl. CD-ROM

Hafelekar Series Volume 3

Short description:
Young people with migrant backgrounds are much more affected from unemployment work than their peers “locals”. Youth centers, but also institutions of vocational and educational guidance have often not yet have the necessary knowledge and tools for this target group.

Against this background, the editors developed Join in a Job! as a competence-and resource-oriented guidance method that is tailored to young migrants.

The manual presents all blocks of this method using case studies: Basic and Intense clearing, 4 steps to the job, the Job box and the Tyrolean Migration compass.

The accompanying CD contains all the tools, forms and supporting documentation to Join In a job! Method that can be used in consultancy practice.

This book was developed as part of the Equal project Join In.

Baustelle Lehrlingsausbildung

Silvia Exenberger/Paul Schober (eds.):

Baustelle Lehrlingsausbildung – Handlungsfelder einer qualitätsorientierten Berufsbildung.
Action fields of a quality oriented training of apprentices

Innsbruck, Wien, Bozen: Studienverlag 2005

ISBN: 3-7065-4034-7; 224 pages; incl. CD-RoM, €22,00

Hafelekar Series Volume 2

with contributions of: Gerlinde Braumiller, Silvia Exenberger, Bianca Gegenburger, Matthias Hilke, Bernhard Koch, Barbara Reinalter, Maria Schaffenrath, Gernot Schafferer, Paul Schober, Gabriela Schroffenegger, Peter Schumacher, Werner Steger, Peter Taibon, Ilsedore Wieser

Short description:
What does quality mean for the apprenticeship and how can it be improved? This crucial question of the dual education system is approached here.

On the basis of interviews with apprentices, instructors and vocational teachers, five precise fields of action have been defined and models for practical solutions have been worked out and realized.

Fields of action in theory and practice:

  • giving assistance with the choice of occupation
  • building up basis competences for lifelong learning
  • creating inspiring learning environments
  • qualifiying instructors and vocational teachers
  • cooperating to maintain quality assurance

In this book, the authors give a first draft of the actual situation and the theoretical bases for each field of action in order to provide a basis for the presentation of the practical solutions.

The enclosed CD-ROM contains checklists and guidelines for the fields of action, as well as learning tasks to enhance self-dependent learning abilities. It also features a new presentation mode of the scientific software GABEK-WinRelan for the readers to explore the complete data of the project’s base study.

This book was developed within the EQUAL project “AQUA – Apprenticeship Quality“.

Basic knowledge Gender Mainstreaming

Christine Baur/Eva Fleischer/Paul Schober:

Gender Mainstreaming in der Arbeitswelt – Grundlagenwissen für Projekte, Unternehmen und Politik

Basic knowledge Gender Mainstreaming for enterprises, projects and politics

Innsbruck, Wien, Bozen: Studienverlag 2005

ISBN: 3-7065-4035-5; 210 pages; incl. CD-ROM, €21

Hafelekar Series Volume 1

Short description

Gender Mainstreaming – an often used term, scarcely understood and rarely really wanted. The manifold reactions and violent emotions regarding this topic lead to this assumption.

  • Where are the roots of the term Gender Mainstreaming?
  • Which are the theoretical and judicial bases?
  • How can Gender Mainstreaming be applied in the business world?

This publication provides the necessary basic knowledge for it.

After a survey over feminist theories, a definiton of the central terms of equal opportunities policy is given in scientific and judicial terms.

On this basis, the following actual topics are focused on: choice of occupation, compatibility of work and family, income distribution, equal treatment and equal opportunities. The third and main chapter is dedicated to the precise realisation of projects. A survey of possible fund givers in the EU leads over to the description of the single phases of a project, from the analysis to the assurance of sustainibility. Finally, current Gender Mainstreaming projects in Tyrol are presented.

The enclosed CD-ROM contains a rich collection of up-to-date publications ,checklists, guidelines, links and contact adresses for the realisation of Gender Mainstereaming. It also features a new presentation mode of the scientific software GABEK-WinRelan for the readers to explore the complete data of the WoMen field study, referred to in the book.

This book was developed within the EQUAL project WoMen.

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