Measuring system for non-formal and informal learning

The INFORM project aims at designing, developing and testing a model which will measure non-formal and informal learning specifically developed for those accessing initial training / education / basic skills within the context of lifelong guidance. It proposes to design and develop a series of tools which will aim to measure in a transparent and credible manner non-formal and informal learning.

For many disadvantaged job seekers accessing labour market opportunities and /or initial training/education and guidance supports, it can be difficult to measure and document the competencies developed through life experience. Organisations working with this target group often have difficulties in identifying and measuring these competencies (developed informally and non-formally) and therefore are unable to build a clear picture of an individuals skills and abilities. These competencies are often transferable into the workplace, into further training and education and can influence guidance practice.


  • Development of tools for self-assessment
  • INFORM competence-check, web-based measuring instrument for the determinaton and visualisation of daily abilities as learning fields
  • Guide for a competence interview that helps finding own competences
  • Successful pilot test with 150 participants

The products are available in English, German and Swedish.

Project duration

October 2006 till November 2008

Project Partners

Initiative. Female. Founders

Support for females setting up a business

This European project focuses on women who are disadvantaged regarding the labour market and therefore consider self-employment as possible job option. The aim is to facilitate women the access to business formations and to improve the general framework for female founders. Within the scope of this project guidance, training and supporting offers are developed and linked up with already existing institutions.

These offers open up new possibilities for women regarding self-employment and raise the chance for successul business formations. Development, consulting, qualification and networking are the main issue of this project. The comprehensive package INITIATIVE.FEMALE.FOUNDERS offers products out of 5 modules:

Module 1 – networking and target-group-specific reconditioning of numerous available resources (information, links, etc.) in shape of a knowledge map,
Modules 2 and 3 – Optimized consulting and qualification offers,
Module 4 – Facilitation of access to seed capital for the business formation (micro-credits),
Module 5 – access to business premises and infrastructure

The participating women can either take part in one of the modules or complete the whole support portfolio. For all women, who meet the criterias for self-employment, the development-partnership INITIATIVE.FEMALE.FOUNDERS creates supporting offers across multiple stages.


Carrying out of a qualitative study with female company founders and young entrepreneuses
Development of a networked knowledge-map (CD-ROM and online) – plattform for female company founders
Creation and publication of a brochure for company founders: „Being a female company founder – becoming an entrepreneuse“. Questions, answers, hints, addresses

Project duration

October 2005 till September 2007


Supported by funds from the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture


Integrated career guidance and integrated vocational training

The major object of IBEA is to support disadvantaged adolescents with vocational trainings after compulsory school and thus facilitate their integration into the labour market. As a result, there should be achieved a self-determined, self-confident lifestyle within society.

Within the scope of three subprojects, a concept for inclusive classes at vocational schools was developed jointly with partners from all over Austria. In order to integrate parts of the concept and materials into everyday school life, qualification measures were offered for teachers. Additionally, an integrative whole-year-procedure for vocational orientation for grade 9 and beyond were developed and tested. The latter happened jointly with polytechnic schools in Styria, Lower-Austria and Tyrol.

Module 1: interface school – job
creates a framework concept for inclusive classes at vocational schools and develops adequate teaching and learning materials. Furthermore, a nationwide competence centre will be developed and tested in order to offer consulting and support for all participants.

Module 2: Integrative vocational training
focuses on the person acting. Measures for the qualification of pedagogues at vocational schools and trainers are developed and piloted.

Module 3: Integrative career guidance
This module develops an integrative career guidance and vocational preparation model for all adolescents at grade 9. It will be sustainably implemented within a whole-year-procedure.


  • material and documents for career-start and training
  • creation of a method collection for consulting and orientation as instruction handbook “I´m me” (“Ich bin Ich”)
  • competence portfolio for the detection and visualisation of abilities
  • Development and compilation of learning material for use in class

Project duration

September 2005 till September 2007

Hafelekar Consulting was entrusted with the whole evaluation in Austria, which involved interviews and an evaluation report. Likewise its task was to compile and implement suitable teaching material in German language.


Supported by funds from the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture


Tourism mAnagement e-LeArning Solution

TALAS aims to develop a flexible and continuing education program on distance learning basis. For people who work in tourism or for those who are planning to. Flexible means in this context: Learning when and where you want. Or can. Via CD-Rom, Internet and mobile phone.

Together with partners from Italy, Spain, Greece, Romania, Poland and Germany, Hafelekar Consulting developed a comprehensive modular e-learning system. Central theme: hospitality and tourism in Europe. In six modules the participants get to know different concepts of hospitality in Europe, Principles of Marketing and achieve verbal basic skills. The course concludes with a certificate.

The “Tourism Management” pilot course will be provided and tested in a specially developed e-learning platform and an M-learning portal. By means of multimedia, interactive educational material, the E-learning and m-learning course offers:

  • Customized training paths
  • Learning in small groups (online meetings),
  • Learning by doing
  • Flexible and dynamic learning processes,
  • Online service

Project duration

October 2004 till September 2006

Project Partners

  • Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung – Innsbruck (Austria)
  • For.Com. Consorzio Interuniversitario -Rom (Italy)
  • Universitatea Tehnica “Gh. Asachi” – Iasi (Romania)
  • Danmar Computers – Rzeszów (Poland)
  • Hellenic Regional Development Center- Patras (Greece)
  • Instituto Europeo De Lenguas Modernas – Granada (Spain)
  • Fundación Universidad Empresa de la Región de Murcia – Murcia (Spain)
  • Soluzioni Informatiche – San Giorgio a Cremano (Italy)
  • WBS TRAINING AG – Berlin (Germany)


Qualification in funeral services

90% of the funeral service sector in Europe consists of small and medium enterprises (SME’s). This is one reason why there are very little structured education and training opportunities in this area.

Staff development takes place mainly through “learning by doing”. Since this work area is still a big taboo subject, the very central aspect of psychological support and care of bereaved families is often underestimated. The ANUBIS project responds to this urgent need for training and also tries using distance learning to overcome geographical boundaries.


  • Research on careers and skills required in the funeral industry
  • Design and development of educational materials
  • multimedia processing towards a 360h tele-learning course
  • Pilot courses in the partner countries

Project duration

October 2004 till September 2006

Project partners

Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung – Innsbruck (Austria)
Asociación Funeraria de España – Spanien
Desarrollo y Recursos, S.L. (DyR: Development and Resources) – Spain
Tempo – Training und Consulting – Ostrava (Czech Republic)
SDRUZENI POHREBNICTVI – Ostrava (Czech Republic)
Trauerhilfe – Bestattergruppe in Österreich – Innsbruck (Austria)


Apprenticeship Quality

The main objective of this developing partnership is the opening and stabilising of the labour market for disadvantaged youngsters.

This partnership is to help entrepreneurs, trainers and teachers in vocational schools deal with such disadvantaged youngsters and to make use of hidden potential. The network between vocational schools and firms / companies should be strengthened. Through a better co operation between firm and school youngsters should be the more supported to successfully complete their apprenticeship. The description of vocational patterns in retail dealing with its competencies should help aid a more effective advertising among youngsters and a more widespread selection procedure within trade and commerce.

Hafelekar Consulting provided a baseline study, applying the GABEK method, as a precondition for further activities. Hafelekar was further responsible for public relations and dissemination of the products.

Project duration

October 2002 till September 2005

Project Partners


Supported by funds from the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture


Mobility for innovation in career guidance and further education

The aim of the project is to find new methods and their use in information and career guidance procedures for employees and job seekers. This concerns career guidance and orientation for job seekers as well as vocational re-qualification for employees.

The contribution of Hafelekar Consulting in this project is its participation as reception partner. This means that Hafelekar Consulting prepares a working program for a whole week, receives and looks after the project participants, contributes to the dissemination of project aims and results and is involved into its evaluation.

Project duration


Project Partners


Tele-Trainer-Training (e-learning)

Everyone is talking about e-learning and distance learning. But who actually trains the future distance learning teachers? That was the question of the German educational software developers ets, as it has developed, together with the University of Paderborn, a “TeleCoach” training – a tele-trainer course, which was certified in Germany by the industry and commerce.

The Zukunftszentrum has acquired the exclusive rights for Austria. Together with the BFI Tirol and the e-Bifi – the e-learning specialists of the Austrian bfi’s – this training is now offered throughout Austria as a 200-hour seminar.

Target group

  • Teachers
  • Trainer
  • Coaches
  • HR managers
  • Trainers in companies
  • Education Mangers

Hafelekar Consulting has supported this project for the zukunfts.zentrum from a rough concept, through a detailed design and contract negotiations to settlement. Hafelekar is also responsible for the ongoing project management.

Project duration

2000 till 2002

Project Partners

  • Zukunftszentrum Tirol
  • BFI Tirol
  • Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung
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