Perspectives on education

Exploration of teenage life and their learning environments

The central objective is the exploration of teenage life and learning environments, to be able to analyze differences in educational participation and develop new learning formats for the training and education of young second-generation immigrants.

The content of the project is divided into different work packages, of each of them characterized by the use of different scientific methods. First, with the help of an analysis of the micro-census data and the Labour Force Survey, there is drawn a map of the education regions of Austria. This provides initial findings on the causes and differences in educational participation among youngsters of the second generation, facilitates a hypotheses regarding adolescent learners and motivates the subsequent selection of interviewees.

In the further course, quantitative data receives a qualitative deepening and widening. Using narrative interviews, young people all over Austria will be interrogated about their study habits, learning experiences, learning sites, learning motivations and learning contents. Based on these youthful self-images, learning types will be developed and described. Then, in group discussions with young people, questionnaires are developed in order to quantify the learning types. Finally, this quantification is carried out using a standardized survey of young people who are on the second education (eg evening classes, AMS measures) and young people not completing any formation. Based on these results and in collaboration with the target group (young people, trainers) follows the development of new learning formats and scenarios for the training and education of young people in continuation education.

For the processing of theoretical questions, for the discussion and review of research methods, for the reflection of the project’s progress and finally for the qualification of the results, there will be carried out a scientific monitoring project throughout the course of the project.

Conclusively, in order to achieve the mainstreaming of the results, decision makers and opinion leaders will be informed of the project results within the framework of workshops .

Project duration

2012 till 2014

Project Partners


Funded by the European Social Fund and the Federal Ministry for Education, Art and Culture (bmukk).


Multicultural Interdisciplinary Handbook

This project centers on learning history and geography in a multicultural perspective. This is achieved through the development and sharing of a set of tools that includes a HandBook, Digital Modules and a Teacher Training Course. They will offer a structured path through European Contemporary History and Geography where the countries concerned will be those of the Project partners.


  • Further develope of a common European identity by having schools participate in the culture of other countries using their languages and their collective symbolic imagery
  • Contribute to the creation of a new generation of school handbooks and ICT-based contents that can support teachers involved in CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) experiences, or who are simply interested in them
  • Implementation of digital educational contents in schools


  • A HandBook and Digital Materials, which deal with a choice of historical and geographical topics, selected among those that have had an important impact in the national imagery in the last two centuries. The final version of HandBook and Digital Modules will be available in all the languages of the partner countries.
  • A Teacher Training Course addressed to both future and in-service teachers. The training develops the topics dealt by the HandBook and explains its methodology and issues.

Projekt duration

October 2009 till November 2011



Project Partners


Information Security Modular Training for SME

The general aim of this project is to provide owners of SMEs/MEs and their staff with understandable and efficient information and a modular training on Information Security (IS) in order to meet their obligations under the terms of the legislation and to ensure their compliance. The cross-border development of IS activities is important, as several rights and approaches in the EU vary considerably in terms of privacy, data-security, consumer rights and liabilities.

Therefore we offer:

  1. a multi-national information and training portal, aiming to facilitate an enriched and speeded-up learning process by sharing, structuring and modelling a huge critical mass of informal expertise and tacit knowledge, e.g. to develop the understanding of legislation concerning data protection throughout the EU with focus on the 6 partner countries and our defined target groups.
  2. a tailored blended learning program in the field of IS for SMEs/MEs and their employees, address the demand-supply mismatch identified, clarify their specific needs and to encourage them to adopt better and more advanced security services. The concrete outcome will be a modular training of about 40 training units: we plan 16 classroom units & 24 e-learning/self-study units in order to provide the target group with a flexible but efficient way of learning, which is not too time consuming.

Project duration

October 2011 till September 2013


Homepage: (not active, copy from Internet Archive

Project Partners

Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung – Innsbruck (Austria) – Coordination
VIA ALTA a.s – Trebitsch (Czech Republic)
Handwerkskammer Münster – Münster (Germany)
Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación – Albacete (Spain)
Innovacion Desarrollo Y Nuevas Tecnologias S.l – Albacete (Spain)
Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Enterprise Board – Dublin (Ireland)
CONFORM-Consorzio Formazione Manageriale – Avellino (Italy)


MOTIVES – Measuring Organisational Training: Illustrating Value, Economic and Social

This project was initiated to motivate SMEs to implement and invest in training for the workplace (particularly for low skill workers).

The Partnership is developing a web based training evaluation toolkit, which aims to show employers the social and economic value of training outcomes and impacts. This toolkit is underpinned by the European Common Quality Framework (ECQF) and the Social Return on Investment (SROI) models.

The core partnership consists of 6 organisations representing five countries, Ireland, Austria, Hungary, Italy and Germany The project has developed a strong partnership with European organisations the majority of whom are engaged in working with employers in supporting VET provision to the needs of the labour market. The partnership therefore has a remit to publicise the project results within their professional networks.


  • Research report indicating the national and European context
  • Evaluation toolkit and associated web framework with programmed reporting application for measuring the social and economic return on investment from training for SMEs
  • Training module for practitioners and associated training pack
  • Scientific report illustrating the key findings from the pilot of toolkit

Project duration

October 2010 till September 2012

Project Partners

  • Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung (Austria)
  • Ballymum Job Centre – Dublin (Ireland)
  • ANTARES s.r.l. – Rom (Italy)
  • Heves Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara – Erlau (Hungary)
  • Euregio Qualifizierungs- und Technologieforum – Ahaus (Germany)
  • Institute for the Development of Employee Advancement Services – Dublin (Ireland)
  • Stadt Münster (Germany)


electronic entrepreneur portfolios

The general aim of e2-p is to widen access to existing web-based entrepreneurship learning through the use of ICT and to contribute to entrepreneurial (further) education & training.

The projects tool for creating ePortfolios (ProfilPASS) aims at assessing, keeping record and finally presenting someones individual abilities and skills. Users are being encouraged to reflect on their entrepreneurial skills they have acquired in different contexts, as well as to support the creation for their own educational biography.

The additional knowledge portal guides entrepreneurs by a process and topic based approach. Broad information is being made available and structured into the four entrepreneurial stages in order to provide the information required depending on the each users status within (1) business idea, (2) preparation/business plan, (3) foundation, (4) first steps as enterpriser. During each phase entrepreneurs are obliged to deal with different issues like market analysis, decide on a legal status, apply for a credit, etc. For each phase the relevant issues are discussed in the questions&answers. Additional to the process all information can be accessed by topics like finances, law, market, etc. The platform connects information within one environment that entrepreneurs usually need to collect from different sources. Finally the website operates as gate into the ePortfolio.

The combination of both solutions aims to support young people, especially graduates of vocational based education in the process of starting an own business in the tertiary sector successfully.

Project results

  • ePortfolios to support the preparation phase
  • Organization and implementation of trainings for mastercoaches for the use of ePortfolios.
  • Website for entrepreneurs
  • National reports

Project duration

October 2010 till September 2012

Project Partners

Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung – Innsbruck (Österreich) – Koordination
InterZone – Köln (Deutschland)
Helliwood media & education im fjs. e.V., – Berlin (Deutschland)
Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación – Albacete (Spanien)
Ballymum Job Centre – Dublin (Irland)
StudioCentroVeneto – Vicenza (Italien)
Academy of Management – Łódź (Polen)


leadership development

The DUKTUS group develops, manufactures and markets high-quality systems for the transport of water and the deep foundation of constructions – made of ductile cast iron. We had the opportunity to assist DUKTUS and to set up and implement a comprehensive approach to leadership development.

Leadership development, with the following topics:

  • Hafelekar took over the overall design and organization of training sessions.
  • The Board has been actively involved in the initial phase of the project.
  • In the implementation phase 8 days of outdoor training were conducted which were found – by all participants – to be particularly successful.
  • In addition to management seminars, individual coaching sessions were conducted.
  • For the Executive Update specific recommendations were developed and presented in a group-wide final event.



Project duration

June 2009 till February 2010


Expertising and Sharing Lifelong Guidance for the Placement

The main project aim is to promote the transfer of a kit of products, enabling people to enter the labour market through job orientation placement. The focus lies on the development of graduates’ transferable skills, and provides them with procedures for quality work experience, adapted to improve their own existing competence sets.

Together with EU-partners the transfer of the tools should be brought together in order to promote an integrated system of good practices, non-formal and informal learning as well as lifelong guidance (LLG) – support regarding employability.


  • Report on lifelong learning
  • Indicators concerning the labour market, especially the link between university and work life
  • Validation study of informal and non formal learning work package in European countries

Project duration

October 2008 till September 2010

Project Partners

  • Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung – Innsbruck (Austria)
  • Università degli Studi di Parma – Parma (Italy)
  • CERES, Centro di Ricerca Economica e Sociale – Rom (Italy)
  • Università degli Studi di Catania – Cataniea (Italy)
  • Università di Bologna – Bologna (Italy)
  • St. Cyril und St. Methodius Universität Veliko Turnovo – Veliko Turnovo (Bulgaria)
  • Tellus Group Limited – Plymouth (United Kingdom)
  • Badegruber & Partner GmbH (B&P) – Linz (Austria)
  • Uniwersytet Jagiellonsky Kraków – Krakau (Poland)
  • Slovakischer akademischer Verband für internationale Kooperation – Bratislava (Slovakia)
  • ASAEL, Aragonische Verbindung der Kommunalbehörden – Zaragoza (Spain)
  • ONECO, Gemeinnützige Bildungsorganisation – Sevilla (Spain)
  • Technische und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Universität Budapest – Budapest (Hungary)


Enhancing Vocational Language Skills and Working Culture Awareness of European Construction Professionals

The aim of EVLAC project was to develop new learning materials that focus on the construction industry and that refer to everyday work issues and to working mentalities in Turkey, Greece, Austria and Great Britain. The main focus was on learning and teaching methods for Turkish, Greek, German and English language. Target groups of the project are mainly construction industry professionals, civil engineers, architects as well as students of these areas of studies.

The main task of the participating organisations of the project was the collection of audio, audio/visual and written authentic materials regarding the construction industry (culture) and the presentation in a digital media format. In order to disseminate the results a website was developed during the project to pass the material on to the target groups. In the long run, this project should not only enhance language skills, but also raise awareness of working cultures in the European construction industry.


  • Development of a language course dealing with construction industry in four languages (Turkish, Greek, German and English)
  • Publication of language course on DVD and online

Project duration

December 2007 till November 2009

Project Partners


Language Competence for Nurses

The idea of the project is to create an elementary self-study multimedia language course to develop English, German, Italian and Spanish language skills for nurses. The course is made for nurses, trainees and other participants of the health care sector who are interested in learning those languages and/or who prepare for working abroad in this sector. On the one hand participants will improve their language skills particularly regarding professional vocabulary; on the other hand they get to know the health care systems in the respective country.

Within the scope of this project, language courses for self-study are developed on an E-learning plattform and on CD-ROMs, specially designed for the needs of nursing staff. The focus lies particularly on technical terms and colloquial language necessary for this professional group in performing its daily duties. The course responds to the special requirements and conditions of health care and nursing practice of respective countries with course materials, designed at an A1/A2 level. The core in-put materials are all video-based or rely on visual presentations, with a special emphasis put on practising pronunciation and intonation.


  • Development of a 60 hours multi media course on a self study basis for the following languages: English, German, Spanish, Italian from basic to intermediate language level
  • Release of the language courses on CD-ROM and online

Project duration

November 2006 until October 2008

Project Partners


Parents as Vocational Trainers

Main issue of the project is a further education and training for career counsellors at schools regarding the cooperation with parents of their students. The direct aim of the project is to create a training addressed to school-based vocational counsellors which would teach them how to cooperate with the parents whose children are facing the choice of their future career.

Competences of parents should get broader concerning their possibilities to support their children during the process of important decision making. Including parents to the guidance process enables a more efficient career orientation at schools. That fact should as a consequence raise the effectiveness choosing a vocational training by young people.


  1. Development and implementation of a 30-hour training course “How to cooperate with parents in shaping the vocational career of their children” for school vocational counsellors including methodological materials for trainers and teaching materials for participants.
  2. Redaction of a handbook for the parents on “How to help my child in making a vocational career decision”. Sample chapters deal with the factors of occupational career, help in decision-making, offer orientation on the labour market and give advice for the motivation of and communication with children.

Project duration

October 2006 till October 2008

Project Partners

  • Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung – Innsbruck (Austria)
  • Academy of Management – Lodz (Poland)
  • R.C.I (Research and Consultancy Institute) – Limassol (Cyprus)
  • ANNUR-Formatión-Cultura – Badajoz (Spain)
  • Jaunimo karjeros centras – Kaunas (Lithuania)
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