Manage Your Career

The Manage Your Career Partnership developed a methodology which supports guidance counsellors across Europe in the empowerment of job seekers. The partnership consists of six core organizations from 5 countries (Ireland, Northern Ireland, Austria, Hungary and Spain) that are interested in the exploration, development and application of the Career Management Skills. The partnership is especially interested in seeing people who are disadvantaged in the labor market to develop these skills, building a sustainable career.

Aims & Results

  • Development of a Career Management Skills – Methodology
  • Development of a training day for counsellors
  • Implementation of a pilot phase of the training

Project duration

October 2010 to September 2012

Project Partners


electronic entrepreneur portfolios

The general aim of e2-p is to widen access to existing web-based entrepreneurship learning through the use of ICT and to contribute to entrepreneurial (further) education & training.

The projects tool for creating ePortfolios (ProfilPASS) aims at assessing, keeping record and finally presenting someones individual abilities and skills. Users are being encouraged to reflect on their entrepreneurial skills they have acquired in different contexts, as well as to support the creation for their own educational biography.

The additional knowledge portal guides entrepreneurs by a process and topic based approach. Broad information is being made available and structured into the four entrepreneurial stages in order to provide the information required depending on the each users status within (1) business idea, (2) preparation/business plan, (3) foundation, (4) first steps as enterpriser. During each phase entrepreneurs are obliged to deal with different issues like market analysis, decide on a legal status, apply for a credit, etc. For each phase the relevant issues are discussed in the questions&answers. Additional to the process all information can be accessed by topics like finances, law, market, etc. The platform connects information within one environment that entrepreneurs usually need to collect from different sources. Finally the website operates as gate into the ePortfolio.

The combination of both solutions aims to support young people, especially graduates of vocational based education in the process of starting an own business in the tertiary sector successfully.

Project results

  • ePortfolios to support the preparation phase
  • Organization and implementation of trainings for mastercoaches for the use of ePortfolios.
  • Website for entrepreneurs
  • National reports

Project duration

October 2010 till September 2012

Project Partners

Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung – Innsbruck (Österreich) – Koordination
InterZone – Köln (Deutschland)
Helliwood media & education im fjs. e.V., – Berlin (Deutschland)
Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación – Albacete (Spanien)
Ballymum Job Centre – Dublin (Irland)
StudioCentroVeneto – Vicenza (Italien)
Academy of Management – Łódź (Polen)


Return system for trays

SISTRO precision engineering GmbH is contract manufacturer in the field of high precision components for the medical technology, sealing technology and precision engineering. In the longer term SISTRO is keen to take the role of contract production back to thereby provide more resources for developing their own products, the expansion of the company’s internal project management, process know-how and developing their own innovative capability. The present project, the development of a tray return system, is an important step to prove the role as a single-source provider of complex solutions.

In the self-catering (eg huts), many people have to be employed to clean up food trays from the tables. The staff currently being used for that task, has not got a very attractive job and is often needed only at peak times. By a tray return system those resources shall be reduced – or utilized in a more meaningful way – which would lead in any case to a cost reducing for the restaurant business. From the perspective of the guest, the system should lead to a considerable increase of the comfort factor and to find – even in a self-service restaurant – tables always cleared down.

The challenge of this project was to implement this – actually – simple idea in an efficient and cost effective manner. The key issues that needed to be solved are, on one hand, the tray detection and on the other hand the handling of the deposit return.

The innovation was primarily to adapt and integrate technologies that were originally developed for other applications to a novel, not yet existing application. The specific technical and economic challenges of the project were, in addition to the Precision Mechanics and Mechatronics, a comprehensive knowledge:

  • Product innovation: the creation of “intelligent” food trays.
  • Process Innovation: The project staff and the external partners have been closely involved in the planning of the project. In the long term we shall succeed in such way to expand the own value chain by building up in-house expertise to be able to participate more actively in development projects and to initialize them by our own.
  • Innovation Management: This project can be seen as a kind of pilot project to initiate that process actively. In this context, innovation (for SISTRO): We go “one step back” in the value chain and are willing not only to “make products” but focus more on – in large parts already existing – research and development knowledge.

The project made it possible to find an innovative, yet sustainable structure for SISTRO.


Sistro precision engineering GmbH

Project duration

08.01.2011 – 29.02.2012


Electronic Design AS
Office Winter

Care-Evaluation Tyrol

Evaluation of inpatient care in Tyrol

The project “Evaluation of inpatient care for the region of Tyrol” serves as a review and further development of the financial environment and the quality standards for inpatient care in Tyrol. The operational project objectives are the three working groups: general economic conditions, care and support framework and future care system assign Tyrol.

Objectives of Working Group 1: general economic conditions

  • Developing estimations for costs of Tyrolean residential and nursing homes based on a catalog of services
  • Determining a cost-recovery tariff for the service catalog of the Tyrolean residential and nursing homes based on a newly developed cost center accounting for the years 2008 and 2009
  • effective, transparent and fair distribution of resources of the cost object

Objectives of Working Group 2: Care and support frame

  • care mandate and performance catalog for the Tyrolean residential and nursing homes
  • Definition and description of a “reasonable care”
  • Development of criteria of qualification for care and maintenance in Tyrolean residential and nursing homes

Objectives of Working Group 3: Future care system Tyrol

Based on an assessment of the current status, problem analysis and evaluation (SWOT analysis), the following points are selected as targets for the working group:

  • Principles for the long-term development and future models of care and care facilities, taking into account the financial feasibility
  • Guidelines for new alternative models for the care and maintenance as well as the focus on special care and nursing services and facilities in relation to a medical supply
  • Networking Strategies for inpatient, day-care and mobile care and nursing care services

At the end of the project period, an outcome document was written, which presented, prioritized and, following the basis points, discribed. the proposals for action. The vast majority of recommendations for action comes directly from the group work. Some aspects have also been introduced by the facilitator.


Land Tirol

Project duration

May 2010 till September 2011


Alternative surfaces for high frequency (HF) components

The implementation of a mobile filter by plastic technology and alternative coating (fulfilling the required electrical characteristics) means a technological leap for the entire mobile technology! The innovation of this project is therefore particularly important.

The intention of the project was to assess which alternative materials and material combinations can meet the requirements for electrical quality and passive intermodulation. Therefor, it was necessary to try and qualify a variety of coating materials and processes. The project aim was to develop a very special process to enable the production of a RF filter, hereby abstaining from galvanic plating.

In principle, this initiative project theoretically considered the possibility of alternative coating techniques over conventional copper and silver plating. Like in many research and development projects it is essential to exploit theoretical considerations in the run-up. Yet, in order to utilize the respective market opportunities, these theoretical insights have to be tested and qualified through practical functional models and test series. KATHREIN Austria is currently working on a successor project, which will also draw on the expertise of external partners to be able to test the project in practice.



Project duration

01.03.2011 to 06.30.2011

NRH e-Marketing

e-marketing concept for the Neue Regensburger Hütte

The Neue Regensburger Hut (NRH) is one of the most important bases of the Stubai High Trail which is an important economic factor in the Stubai Valley in summer and a central attraction of tourists hiking in the Stubai Valley. Yet, only a few hikers and local regulars visit the huts. This makes an economical survival difficult.

The challenge was accepted by Mr. Eder: A guest that is satisfied with a “dry place to sleep and a hot soup” is long gone and is nowadays rather looking for entertainment and activities before and after the tour, seeking increased comfort and activities. In this project, Mr. Eder, together with the supporting partners, met these trends and new challenges and was able to get through a strategic and very professional approach towards a long-term safety and attractiveness of the business.

The highlight of the project is a comprehensive marketing plan:

  • Website with online booking
  • Social media integration (especially Facebook, YouTube, Google Earth, etc.
  • Event and Event Calendar
  • seminar program
  • Newsletter Marketing
  • and much more

The successful repositioning of the NRH shows that even very small companies and businesses can profit by existing funding opportunities and by active support from the outside.


Thomas Eder (tenant)

Project duration



Advertising Agency – Ingmar Koehler


e-DMT – e-Direct-Marketing-Tool

The companies web-crossing and deepblue have succeeded in developping an innovative direct- and interactive marketing tool that meets all requirements of modern, electronic marketing. Defined objectives of the implementation phase were the programming, piloting and evaluation of the e-direct marketing tool (e-DMT) based on the contract specifications formulated in the concept phase.

This tool is an important process innovation in marketing because it was possible to combine existing technologies in a new product for effective e-marketing, a state-of-the-art communication and marketing tool. The overarching goal of being able to implement, by the use of new technologies, the tools of traditional marketing such as market segmentation and target group analysis in e-marketing, has been achieved.

The user is put by the e-DMT tool in a position to deal very effectively and precisely with target groups. Through feedback from the system via click behavior, e-mail open rates, etc. the profile of each person contacted becomes more sharply – the system is learning, so to say. Thus, the information that is sent to the target groups, becomes more accurate and more interesting and increases the acceptance. Major focus will be put not on mass or the most frequent contact as possible but on targeted and – for the respective target group – useful transmission of information. Through the creation of acceptance in the formed target group new functions and options will open up: dialogue marketing, customer loyalty programs, etc.

The following functions could be successfully integrated in the – to be developed – e-DMT tool:

  • SMS and MMS functionality
  • Dialog functionality
  • Segmentation and profile function
  • Template Generator
  • Synch function
  • import filters
  • Report Generator


Web-Crossing Ltd.

Deep Blue Europe Ltd.

Project duration

06.30.2010 to 30.11.2011


HAKOM Dienstleistungsges.m.b.H computer.

Study Migration Salzburg

Study of the labour market situation for migrants in Salzburg – implementation concept

The target of the research study was to point out the situation of migrants on Salzburgs labour market and to provide policy recommendations.

The study consists of three parts which aim to:

  • analyze social demographic features of the target group in Salzburg concerning the labour market (analysis)
  • consider experiences and required basic conditions of several stakeholders (qualitative part),
  • evaluate proved and in other countries successfully implemented methods regarding good practice samples (recommendations for action)

The analysis referred to current workings in Austria and, moreover, showed additional requirements of a solid data base for TEP Salzburg. The AMDB („Arbeitsmarktdatenbank von AMS und Hauptverband“ – labour market data base of AMS and main association) was primary used as data basis. So did the MZ-AKE (Microcensus – labour survey) and the SILC (statistics on income and living conditions). Those data guaranteed a very current and well-founded information base. Additionally, “invisible persons” (= currently not in training, nor in job, nor any care obligations, at an employable age) were taken into consideration. Already realized studies were evaluated and additional interviews were held within the scope of the qualitative part. This part aimed to utilize important stakeholders, their experiences and resources for sustainable labour market integration. Recommendations for action reflect key results from the first two parts and provide a “good practice” collection gathered by other Austrian provinces and within European context. The approach therefor was an already implemented collection of good ideas and moderated processes by ZSI and ILO (International Labour Organisation).


Land Salzburg

Project duration

April 2009

Project Partners

Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung
ZSI – Zentrum für Soziale Innovation, Wien


leadership development

The DUKTUS group develops, manufactures and markets high-quality systems for the transport of water and the deep foundation of constructions – made of ductile cast iron. We had the opportunity to assist DUKTUS and to set up and implement a comprehensive approach to leadership development.

Leadership development, with the following topics:

  • Hafelekar took over the overall design and organization of training sessions.
  • The Board has been actively involved in the initial phase of the project.
  • In the implementation phase 8 days of outdoor training were conducted which were found – by all participants – to be particularly successful.
  • In addition to management seminars, individual coaching sessions were conducted.
  • For the Executive Update specific recommendations were developed and presented in a group-wide final event.



Project duration

June 2009 till February 2010


Expertising and Sharing Lifelong Guidance for the Placement

The main project aim is to promote the transfer of a kit of products, enabling people to enter the labour market through job orientation placement. The focus lies on the development of graduates’ transferable skills, and provides them with procedures for quality work experience, adapted to improve their own existing competence sets.

Together with EU-partners the transfer of the tools should be brought together in order to promote an integrated system of good practices, non-formal and informal learning as well as lifelong guidance (LLG) – support regarding employability.


  • Report on lifelong learning
  • Indicators concerning the labour market, especially the link between university and work life
  • Validation study of informal and non formal learning work package in European countries

Project duration

October 2008 till September 2010

Project Partners

  • Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung – Innsbruck (Austria)
  • Università degli Studi di Parma – Parma (Italy)
  • CERES, Centro di Ricerca Economica e Sociale – Rom (Italy)
  • Università degli Studi di Catania – Cataniea (Italy)
  • Università di Bologna – Bologna (Italy)
  • St. Cyril und St. Methodius Universität Veliko Turnovo – Veliko Turnovo (Bulgaria)
  • Tellus Group Limited – Plymouth (United Kingdom)
  • Badegruber & Partner GmbH (B&P) – Linz (Austria)
  • Uniwersytet Jagiellonsky Kraków – Krakau (Poland)
  • Slovakischer akademischer Verband für internationale Kooperation – Bratislava (Slovakia)
  • ASAEL, Aragonische Verbindung der Kommunalbehörden – Zaragoza (Spain)
  • ONECO, Gemeinnützige Bildungsorganisation – Sevilla (Spain)
  • Technische und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Universität Budapest – Budapest (Hungary)
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