WoMen – equality for women and men on the ICT labor market
The main objective of the development partnership is to encourage men and women in a more balanced gender distribution of the ICT labor market in the Tyrol. This will happen through awareness-raising activities, by identifying strategies and the development of specific instruments.
Project aims
- Creation of social and political awareness by sensitizing public relations
- Creation of an individual consciousness – by means of individual career planning for women
- Sensitization and planning of appropriate strategies in companies
- Counseling and guidance services (skills analysis, career planning, Resource pool, child care policies, models of parental support)
- Training of highly qualified ICT professionals
- Formation of networks of all relevant actors engaged in the support of equal opportunity on the labour market.
At the beginning of the project Hafelekar created a large-scale baseline study, using the method GABEK, which forms the basis for further activities. Hafelekar was further responsible for public relations and dissemination of the products.
Project duration
October 2002 till September 2005
Project Partners
- Land Tirol
- BFI Tirol
- Zukunftszentrum Tirol
- Wirtschaftskammer Tirol
- Arbeiterkammer Tirol
- Arbeitsmarktservice Tirol
- ibis acam
- KAOS Bildungsservice
- Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung
Supported by funds from the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture