Silvia Exenberger, Eva Fleischer, Martin Maier, Paul Schober (eds.)
Join In a Job! Instrumente zur beruflichen Beratung jugendlicher MigrantInnen
Join in a Job! Instruments for Job Orientation for young Migrants
Innsbruck, Wien, Bozen: Studienverlag 2007
ISBN: 3-7065-4393-4; 205 pages; incl. CD-ROM
Hafelekar Series Volume 3
Short description:
Young people with migrant backgrounds are much more affected from unemployment work than their peers “locals”. Youth centers, but also institutions of vocational and educational guidance have often not yet have the necessary knowledge and tools for this target group.
Against this background, the editors developed Join in a Job! as a competence-and resource-oriented guidance method that is tailored to young migrants.
The manual presents all blocks of this method using case studies: Basic and Intense clearing, 4 steps to the job, the Job box and the Tyrolean Migration compass.
The accompanying CD contains all the tools, forms and supporting documentation to Join In a job! Method that can be used in consultancy practice.
This book was developed as part of the Equal project Join In.