June 2023
The CareerBOT partnership intends to implement a chatbot based career guidance methodology and tool, which with the reinforcement of a facilitated blended guidance sessions will provide current Labour Market Information and general tips to Jobseeker. The CareerBOT tool will equip guidance professionals with an AI-based chatbot that will dynamically generate external data using various Application Programming Interfaces (API) to provide customised Labour Market Information (LMI) and general tips on applying for work based on their clients’ needs. In this way the project aims to empower marginalised jobseekers on their pathway to employment.
We are excited by the development of the CareerBOT tool to date and the finalisation of the ‘’generic’’ English version following the successful preliminary pre-piloting phase. The partnership is now working to translate the Chatbot tool into Spanish, Greek, and German versions for piloting. We invite you to test the EN Version of the Bot. The CareerBOT project strives to provide up to date local and national Labour Market Information and therefore aims to localise the different versions of the Bot to best meet the needs of each client. The CareerBOT partnership attended its Second face-to-face Transnational Project Meeting in St. Pölten, Austria excellently hosted by our project lead Hafelekar. During the meeting partners Active Citizens Partnership (ACP, GR) and Pontydysgu, Bridge to Learning (ES) presented the ‘generic’ EN version and highlighted the improvements made to the Bot that resulted from the feedback given by testers during the Pre-Piloting phase of testing. The partnership further progressed on the development of a blended CareerBot training curriculum for Career Guidance Practitioner and will launch the beginning of its piloting of the training in Greece, October 2023.
To learn more about the project partners follow the link to the partner section of the website. To read more about The CareerBot project read our recently published article on EPALE (Electronic Platform for Adult Learning), to read more follow the link; CareerBot – Chatbot based Career Guidance | EPALE (europa.eu).
Second F2F Transnational Project Meeting in St. Pölten, Austria

The CareerBOT project aims to achieve four main project outcomes, firstly to research on the content of the Bot and methodology to inform the development of the tool including LMI resources and usable APIs to embed within the tool. This project outcome is ongoing and will continue to inform the future of the project. Secondly, the development of the CareerBOT tool, which is now in its piloting phase as mentioned above. Thirdly, the development of a blended CareerBOT training for Career Guidance Practitioners which is now well underway with the aim to deliver the training in October and finally the drafting of a Transfer Handbook for Implementation that focuses on organisational Development (OD). Both final outcomes of the CareerBot project aim to improve the digital readiness of the Career Guidance.
For more information about the CareerBot Erasmus+ project go to our website here.

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