Language Competence for Nurses
The idea of the project is to create an elementary self-study multimedia language course to develop English, German, Italian and Spanish language skills for nurses. The course is made for nurses, trainees and other participants of the health care sector who are interested in learning those languages and/or who prepare for working abroad in this sector. On the one hand participants will improve their language skills particularly regarding professional vocabulary; on the other hand they get to know the health care systems in the respective country.
Within the scope of this project, language courses for self-study are developed on an E-learning plattform and on CD-ROMs, specially designed for the needs of nursing staff. The focus lies particularly on technical terms and colloquial language necessary for this professional group in performing its daily duties. The course responds to the special requirements and conditions of health care and nursing practice of respective countries with course materials, designed at an A1/A2 level. The core in-put materials are all video-based or rely on visual presentations, with a special emphasis put on practising pronunciation and intonation.
- Development of a 60 hours multi media course on a self study basis for the following languages: English, German, Spanish, Italian from basic to intermediate language level
- Release of the language courses on CD-ROM and online
Project duration
November 2006 until October 2008
Project Partners
- Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung – Innsbruck (Austria)
- Wyższa Szkoła Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna (Academy of Humanities and Economics) – Łódź (Poland)
- Instytut Postępowania Twórczego W Łodzi (Institute of Creative proceedings) – Łódź (Poland)
- Renoma Medical Center Ltd. – Łódź (Poland)
- Napier University Edinburgh – Edinburg (UK)
- COOSS Marche – Ancona (Italy)
- Formación y Asesores en Selección y Empleo – Zaragoza (Spain)
- Tempo Training and Consulting – Prag (Czech Republic)
- Europäisches Bildungswerk für Beruf und Gesellschaft – Magdeburg (Germany)