Qualification and counselling for young migrants
The aim of the EQUAL project Join In was the integration and re-integration of young migrants into the labour market and into qualified jobs. Within the scope of five subprojects, networks in-between teenagers, migration experts and disseminators were built-up and different training and career guidance offers were elaborated. Some offers aimed at parents of the adolescents. A Mongolian yurt served as a hub for diverse projects with which Join In was going on a Tyrol-tour. Within the scope of this project intercultural career guidance instruments were developed for the recognition of individual educational needs and for the visualization of job-relevant and particularly intercultural competencies. Furthermore methods and instruments for job placement were provided (case management), which were adapted to the respective placement obstacles of young migrants.
- Elaboration of intercultural clearing- and counselling methods in 5 modules
- Organisation of the JOIN IN information fair – give young migrants a chance!
- Numerous activities together with the partners: conventions, workshops, lectures for the teenagers as well as for the parents
- database “Tyrolean migrant-compass” and implementation of an internet platform/website
- Publishing of a handbook „teenagers without chance?“ that examine the situation of young people with migration background in country comparison
- Brochure „4 steps to a job“, that describes all relevant information on the topics career decision and job search for young people with migration background in a well-arranged form
- Publishing of a practitioner handbook “Join in a Job!”
Project duration
July 2005 till June 2007
Project Partners
- ZeMiT – Zentrum für MigrantInnen in Tirol
- Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung
- Verein Multikulturell
- Institut für gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Forschung, Bildung und Information – FBI
- Universität Innsbruck, Institut für Soziologie
- TIBS – Tiroler Bildungsservice
- Tiroler Landesregierung/Referat Integration
- Arbeitsmarktförderung des Landes Tirol
- Wirtschaftskammer Tirol
- Arbeiterkammer Tirol
Supported by funds from the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture.