Silvia Exenberger/Paul Schober (eds.):
Baustelle Lehrlingsausbildung – Handlungsfelder einer qualitätsorientierten Berufsbildung.
Action fields of a quality oriented training of apprentices
Innsbruck, Wien, Bozen: Studienverlag 2005
ISBN: 3-7065-4034-7; 224 pages; incl. CD-RoM, €22,00
Hafelekar Series Volume 2
with contributions of: Gerlinde Braumiller, Silvia Exenberger, Bianca Gegenburger, Matthias Hilke, Bernhard Koch, Barbara Reinalter, Maria Schaffenrath, Gernot Schafferer, Paul Schober, Gabriela Schroffenegger, Peter Schumacher, Werner Steger, Peter Taibon, Ilsedore Wieser
Short description:
What does quality mean for the apprenticeship and how can it be improved? This crucial question of the dual education system is approached here.
On the basis of interviews with apprentices, instructors and vocational teachers, five precise fields of action have been defined and models for practical solutions have been worked out and realized.
Fields of action in theory and practice:
- giving assistance with the choice of occupation
- building up basis competences for lifelong learning
- creating inspiring learning environments
- qualifiying instructors and vocational teachers
- cooperating to maintain quality assurance
In this book, the authors give a first draft of the actual situation and the theoretical bases for each field of action in order to provide a basis for the presentation of the practical solutions.
The enclosed CD-ROM contains checklists and guidelines for the fields of action, as well as learning tasks to enhance self-dependent learning abilities. It also features a new presentation mode of the scientific software GABEK-WinRelan for the readers to explore the complete data of the project’s base study.
This book was developed within the EQUAL project “AQUA – Apprenticeship Quality“.